kat_scratches' fic journal

User: [info]kat_scratches
Date: 2007-08-04 09:01
Subject: LotRPS fic "Torrential" (NC17)
Security: Public
Tags:lotrps, monaboyd, nc17

Title: Torrential
Disclaimer: Lies, all of it!
Rating: NC-17, so I've been told, though it might be just a stern R.
Pairing: LotRPS, specifically Monaboyd.
A/N: Honestly, I think I got the hardest effing lyric. And I’ve not listened to the song either, though I did at least read the lyrics to the whole thing. Kisses & cookies to [info]why_me_why_not for the beta!

Take this city
This city should be shining on a hill
Take this city if it be your will

“Yahweh”, U2

Torrential )

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