So they he said something...
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Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

    Time Event
    Looking for a B/J

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Michael Jackson songs on loop
    Abused Justin
    Hello all, I'm new to QAF fandom,a nd our lovely mod has now twice written something about abused Justin, so now I have to read some. I would love your favs for abused Justin, with hero Brain, I would prefer no non-con, or at least nothing descriptive, and a happy ending.
    Thank you!!
    So I'm going to try to keep the posts tagged and in memories, that way, you know, when someone else is looking for a link to tumor!fic, or just in the mood to read an Abusive!ethan fic, they'll be there.

    why am I telling you this?

    I want your idea for tags. And for those of you multi fandomer, or just NON QAF fandom, I specifically need your help.

    i can think of fifteen or twenty (thousand) for QAF, but the other fandoms... i'm not so sure.

    anyway, thanks in advance.

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