Final Fantasy VII

For Fandom

Baby It's Cold Outside @ 03:26 pm

Title: Baby It's Cold Outside
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Tseng/Reno
Warnings: Smut ^_^
Summary & Notes: An ill-fated trip north of Icicle gives Reno and Tseng some cold time alone. Written for [info]areyougame, for the prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Tseng/Reno: Blanket-fic - Baby it's cold outside

( Tseng crawled out of the burning wreckage of the helicopter, coughing on the acrid black smoke that billowed outwards, and then choking as a bitterly-cold wind seemed to freeze his lungs )

Crossposted to [info]areyougame, [info]ffvii_yaoi and [info]ffvii_fandom