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Thursday, September 27th, 2007

    Time Event
    An announcement of the utmost importance!
    I am aware that recently, my "presence" and sage advice has been highly sought after by the other users of this... journaling service. Considering my previous lack of work due to... unfortunate circumstances, coupled with my new and entirely unpleasant 'home', it has been easy for me to dispense such words of wisdom to any and all interested parties.

    However, due to circumstances of my own machination, I may not be available as often as I was previously. This is not a goodbye of any sorts, though -- I am simply unable to access the Internet as often as I was in those endless days before now!

    ((OOC: Well, somehow (use your imagination, the guy's batshit crazy and crafty), our lovable Luke Atmey has escaped the prison. Perhaps to evade an early death, or perhaps part of some grand master plan... who knows? Only the escapee himself, of course!))

    Current Mood: jubilant
    Current Music: Luke Atmey Elegy (composed by Luke Atmey, of course!)

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