06 February 2008 @ 03:57 am
Look what I won on Ebay!!!

These shoes are fierce!!!


OMG!!! I was looking on the MAC site at the Spring/Summer collections, and they are coming out with this one shade called Violetta!!! *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE* I so MUST possess this when it comes out.....yes!!!

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[info]ex_4cupcakes771 on February 7th, 2008 01:06 am (UTC)
I am purple lipstick girl myself...My Versace color that I loved was discontinued, so now 3 Custom makes it for me...I used to wear MAC Martooni, but i think it was a little pale...this one looks very cool...I'm curious to know if it's sheer or not...Hard to tell from the picture...My daughter is obsessed with the Fafi for MAC line...
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