10 January 2008 @ 04:42 pm
Project Runway prom dress episode  
So, [info]4cupcakes1988 didn't know how to do a spoiler cut, so she kindly deleted her post about last night's Project Runway. And so here's my cut....

And here's the Runway....

I thought that Sweet P's dress was completely stunning and should have won:

And although the photo of it doesn't capture its beauty, I also thought Jillian's dress was better than the winner, the blue bejeweled mini by Victorya.

Jillian -- and again, this photo does NOT do the dress justice:


Whatcha guys think?

Also: recap of the episode, with lots and lots of photos, on AfterElton.com.
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Ny: Movies: BaT: holly-mask-cat color ai[info]not_yet_defined on January 11th, 2008 03:52 am (UTC)
*scolls quickly past so i won't be spoiled*

I'm so excited to watch this when I get home!!! YAY. I did notice the dresses under your cut without reading what it said though.

that aqua-y one is gorgeous!!! so is the white one! the blue one is sorta hideous.

but then i'm wearing a sweater with tiny flecks of orange, aqua, red, pink, blue, white, purple, and lime in it, so wtf do I know?
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[info]ex_4cupcakes771 on January 11th, 2008 04:06 am (UTC)
your sweater sounds pretty...
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