10 January 2008 @ 04:42 pm
Project Runway prom dress episode  
So, [info]4cupcakes1988 didn't know how to do a spoiler cut, so she kindly deleted her post about last night's Project Runway. And so here's my cut....

And here's the Runway....

I thought that Sweet P's dress was completely stunning and should have won:

And although the photo of it doesn't capture its beauty, I also thought Jillian's dress was better than the winner, the blue bejeweled mini by Victorya.

Jillian -- and again, this photo does NOT do the dress justice:


Whatcha guys think?

Also: recap of the episode, with lots and lots of photos, on AfterElton.com.
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[info]ex_4cupcakes771 on January 11th, 2008 03:23 am (UTC)
Thank you for saving me Xie and sorry if I ruined the ep for anyone...I feel so bad about that...I'm going to learn how to do a cut if it kills me!...Here's my deleted post plus a little more... I do think Sweet P was robbed, personally and as much as people think Christian is catty controversial, I was really pulling for him last night. Now my post:

So does anyone else think Christian really won Best Dressed at his prom? I do! Christian totally won me over with his opinionated-client drama. OMG---she actually drew on his paper! RALLY! CHRISTIAN! RALLY! I loved how the camera panned over the "flotsam & jetsam" on the floor...

Anyway, I do think the best line of the night was (and I paraphrase)...

From Victorya to her client (now remember--they only have 30 minutes to discuss the design and THIS is what she wants to talk about!):

V: "What was it about me (or my designs?) that made you want to work with me?"
Teenage girl: "I had the last pick..."

I'm still laughing. Do you think Victorya used a Bedazzler on that dress? I had to let the dog out during that part...

And thank the gods Rami is still in...and how could that mother NOT know it was Chris in the pictures in his portfolio? OMG? Interesting costumes? Honey, that's Chris in drag!

I love that show.

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[info]ex_4cupcakes771 on January 11th, 2008 03:47 am (UTC)
I hope I was clear...I was NOT pulling for Christian's dress to WIN...just for him to successfully deal with his client. Okay. Whew...
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on January 11th, 2008 10:10 am (UTC)
He may have gotten best dressed... I bet he had a LOT of really good female friends in high school. It's just a feeling I have.
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[info]ex_4cupcakes771 on January 11th, 2008 01:50 pm (UTC)
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