06 January 2008 @ 11:04 am
Makeup queries  

 Uh, hello? *peers around asylum door* I just joined and hoped I could rant about my freckles/negative body image for a little while...?

The thing that I, ok I don't hate but do fixate on quite a bit, is that I have freckles on very pale white skin [apart from when it goes splotchy and red occassionally] and this means that they are pretty much always there, because the makeup that is pale enough for me doesn't cover them or hide them or anything. 
I don't know whether this is just my insecurities, but all my friends will start off with pretty normal skin, a mole here, some blotches there, acne, whatever, they're not totally perfect, but then something magical happens and they suddenly have clear, gorgeous skin. I mean, it looks made up, its not like it looks natural, but I'm pretty young and don't know all that much about makeup anyway, so maybe I'm applying it wrong, or simply have the wrong products in the first place, or am not using enough? 
I'm confused about whether I even should want to hide my freckles, because everyone is always talking about negative images in the press, and maybe I'm hoping that out there somewhere is a cream that will somehow give me an air brushed quality. I don't hate them, I just resent them, because as far as I know there isn't anything much else wrong with my skin, and if it wasn't for them... well, I don't know what kind of miracle I would expect to hapen if I was prettier, since I don't buy into the more popular/wealthy/happy myth, but whatever.
Is there a way to hide freckles, or at least learn to love them? 

Ok, some less insecurity based questions, and more just, questions questions. I'm left handed, so I find it much easier to apply liquid eyeliner to my left eye. Should I keep using my left hand on m right eye, which is easier but more awkward, or should I start trying to use my right hand on my right eye, which would be much less awkward but would probably take a while to get right without drawng all over my face? 
And of course, how how how do you get the courage to talk to/approach/make eye contact with the gorgeous ice queens at the Chanel etc tables in places like Boots or Debenhams or hell, even in Harrods? I know that they are in the shop, so they must want to sell me something, and so are probably not going to be horrible or totally ignore me, but how can I even find out when I'm totally mortified if one of them even catches me looking? Ok, that was quite an insecure question. Oh well. The ridiculous thing is I'm pretty damn self confident usually, just not about what I look like... 

Any help is appreciated!

Current Location: Oxford, England
Current Mood: anxious
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court1429: femme shoes hat bag[info]court1429 on January 6th, 2008 05:10 pm (UTC)
I agree with what the others have said. I'm left-handed, too, and use only my left hand to apply makeup regardless of side. No way could I do it with my right hand. lol

Regarding your freckles, I wouldn't try to cover them up. I don't have capping skills, unfortunately, but every time I see this Crate & Barrel commercial, I think what a pretty woman the woman in the bed is and she's covered with freckles. Also, on my tv screen, she's obviously much bigger and you can really see them. I don't think it makes her less attractive *at all*. Her skin is great, though freckled most definitely; her smile is big and bright; her hair is really pretty. http://www.crateandbarrel.com/TV-Commercials/gifts.aspx

And yes, I think you will have to learn to love your freckles. Or at least come to peace with them, since they're not going to change. Reality is what it is and while sometimes we can reality, a lot of the time the only thing we can change is our reaction to it.
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