04 January 2008 @ 01:15 pm
Spring has sprung.... at Nordstrom, at least  
The weather outside is frightful, but the spring makeup ads are delightful. Or so Nordstrom tells me.

I got a little email today from my BFFs at Nordstom's Chanel counter, letting me know the spring 2008 colour cosmetic collection was in. (Why is it that throwing that extra "u" in the word makes it just so much more chic?)

Unfortunately me and spring colours not so much, including these, but for those less wintry than I.... it's all here.

The other good news is that with each purchase (limitations apply blah blah blah) you'll get a free sample of their new and not yet available in stores anywhere for any price although when it is, I guarantee it will be a big one, Sublimage Serum. The Sublimage line is very costly and much beloved by those who use it, so it might really be worth it if you already want to try some of these pretty things.

On second glance, perhaps I will try this new lipstick in "Frivole," after all.
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[info]passing_through on January 4th, 2008 10:12 pm (UTC)
I went to Dillards last Saturday and bought the Inimitable mascara from Chanel. I love it. My mom even commented on my lashes this afternoon. Of course she almost fell over when I told her how much it cost. I have short lashes so it's really made a difference and definitely worth the money.
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on January 4th, 2008 10:14 pm (UTC)
I KNOW That mascara is made of pure awesomeness!

I have short lashes too... I've never had a mascara make mine this long.
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vlredreign: Armani Mary Janes[info]vl_redreign on January 5th, 2008 04:31 am (UTC)
I never noticed that. I have a hard time looking away from the ginormous green anime eyes...

Least, I think they're green...usually green...kinda like you-know-who's. :D
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[info]ex_4cupcakes771 on January 5th, 2008 02:13 pm (UTC)
Somehow I got some of that free Nordstrom money you mentioned the other day ($20 cash voucher?? Love them!) Anyway...I decided to spread the Chanel mascara love and bought the limited edition Indigo version for my daughter for $9.00!!! Bought me a little less teenage snark for the evening...so it was worth it...
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