26 December 2007 @ 07:47 pm
Truly great mascara  
I went to Seattle recently, and brought with me a sample of CHANEL INIMITABLE MASCARA MULTI-DIMENSIONNEL sent to me by my BFFs at Chanel. I was getting ready to go out, and put it on, and immediately let out a loud squee of joy, because never in my life have I seen my lashes transform so totally as they did with that one stroke of the brush.

This stuff is unbelievable. It's what I always thought mascara should be and never was.

Okay, it's what I always thought my LASHES should be and never were.

It's not waterproof, but they have a waterproof formula I haven't tried. It lasts all night and even when I sometimes "forget" to take it off before I go to bed, amazingly doesn't leave dark rings under my eyes the next day.

This is the best mascara I've ever used, by which I mean, until now I had never actually used mascara. I'd used black stuff that went on my lashes and then betrayed my hopes and dreams.

Since I was in Seattle, I immediately ran out and bought two tubes at the original Nordstrom.
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firehead: Femme needs her rest[info]firehead30 on December 27th, 2007 05:35 am (UTC)
For those of you wondering if Xie actually exclaimed OMG look at my eye lashes when she put the mascara on in Seattle...she did, and it was very adorable and her lashes did look lovely and they framed her pretty green eyes and each sweep of her lashes were completely sigh worthy.

She might even tempt me away from my beloved Estee Lauder.
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