26 December 2007 @ 07:47 pm
Truly great mascara  
I went to Seattle recently, and brought with me a sample of CHANEL INIMITABLE MASCARA MULTI-DIMENSIONNEL sent to me by my BFFs at Chanel. I was getting ready to go out, and put it on, and immediately let out a loud squee of joy, because never in my life have I seen my lashes transform so totally as they did with that one stroke of the brush.

This stuff is unbelievable. It's what I always thought mascara should be and never was.

Okay, it's what I always thought my LASHES should be and never were.

It's not waterproof, but they have a waterproof formula I haven't tried. It lasts all night and even when I sometimes "forget" to take it off before I go to bed, amazingly doesn't leave dark rings under my eyes the next day.

This is the best mascara I've ever used, by which I mean, until now I had never actually used mascara. I'd used black stuff that went on my lashes and then betrayed my hopes and dreams.

Since I was in Seattle, I immediately ran out and bought two tubes at the original Nordstrom.
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[info]sixxie on December 27th, 2007 04:09 am (UTC)
I'll have to try this stuff. I'm really finicky when it comes to mascara. I have naturally curly and thick lashes, but using something to make my eyes go va-va-voom has been a challenge.
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xie_xie_xie: Marilyn Monroe -- femme[info]xie_xie_xie on December 27th, 2007 04:48 am (UTC)
My lashes are dark and thick but very straight and very short... let me know how it does on yours!
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