10 April 2008 @ 12:05 am
Favorite designers/styles?  
Though I'm rather slack when it comes to makeup, I do so love me some good dresses! I'm curious if anyone else here is a dress fiend, and if so, who are your favorite designers? Or alternatively, favorite styles?

Currently, I'd have to go with Tadashi for being comfortable but stylish, but Vivienne Tam is probably my all-time favorite designer because of the Buddha/dragon print dresses and skirts she's made.

Edit: Many thanks to [info]xie_xie_xie for the Vivienne Tam videos behind the cut!

Part 1:

Part 2:
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A: St. Lucia palm trees sunset[info]aristoboule on April 10th, 2008 04:30 am (UTC)
Re: Vivienne Tam Fall 2008 collection
Thank you! *edits!*

I have one of the first of the Buddha dresses, and I am trying to make sure it survives since her earlier stuff is rather forgiving!

And uh, some gratuitous picspam of it too!

Sunset at Pidgeon Island
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on April 10th, 2008 04:31 am (UTC)
Re: Vivienne Tam Fall 2008 collection
WOW, that's amazing! What year is that from? And is that you?
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A: Black cat red bow[info]aristoboule on April 10th, 2008 04:36 am (UTC)
Re: Vivienne Tam Fall 2008 collection
I think it's either 1999 or 2000, and it's actually two layers -- black, stretchy sheath underneath and then a printed viscose overlay, which I worry I'll snag, gah! There's a dragon skirt I need to get a pic of, which is a wrap-around print.

Yep, from last week! Now if only I could go back on vacation... ;D
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