01 April 2008 @ 09:18 pm
What I think about sweaters  
You know what need to cease to exist?

Short sleeved sweaters.

If it's cold enough to wear a sweater,  yo, it's too cold for short sleeves.

And don't get me started on short sleeved TURTLENECKED SWEATERS.

I grasp that sleeveless turtlenecked sweaters might be useful under a jacket or a cardigan or shirt, to keep your arms from being too bulky or you from getting too warm indoors.

But short sleeves?

Pointless. Unflattering. Wrong.
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Liquid Expresso[info]pen on April 2nd, 2008 11:57 am (UTC)
Short sleeves serve the same purpose as sleeveless. They're just for those of us that will have wings in our old age, or can't wear sleeveless to work and take off the jacket. ;-)
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firehead: Femme needs her rest[info]firehead30 on April 2nd, 2008 02:25 pm (UTC)
I worked in a very conservative office wear shells or camisole tops were not allowed, at all. Jackets were required. Open toed shoes were teh evol and panty hose was mandatory. I wore short sleeved or cap sleeved sweaters all of the time.
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