01 April 2008 @ 09:18 pm
What I think about sweaters  
You know what need to cease to exist?

Short sleeved sweaters.

If it's cold enough to wear a sweater,  yo, it's too cold for short sleeves.

And don't get me started on short sleeved TURTLENECKED SWEATERS.

I grasp that sleeveless turtlenecked sweaters might be useful under a jacket or a cardigan or shirt, to keep your arms from being too bulky or you from getting too warm indoors.

But short sleeves?

Pointless. Unflattering. Wrong.
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Ai: B - predatorial behaviour[info]zaipixie on April 2nd, 2008 05:11 am (UTC)

I mean - how can ANYTHING that shows off his arms be anything than of the Good?

I don't get it why people seem to hate those. He looks good!
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callie: audrey_hepburn_26[info]callie89 on April 2nd, 2008 05:30 am (UTC)
Now...see. I don't define that as a sweater. It looks more like a t shirt. I love and I mean LOVE him in wife beaters. Now that's hot, but those gaudy cheesy bulky sweaters..blech.

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Ai: B - predatorial behaviour[info]zaipixie on April 2nd, 2008 06:02 am (UTC)
Oh - I love him in wife beaters as well. AND those sweater vests. Mmmmm...

Shit, I can only think of ONE article of clothing I don't like on him - and that's those jeans he wore when Justin brought the bracelet back. Made him look short and bulky.
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xie_xie_xie: Brian loves his shirt[info]xie_xie_xie on April 2nd, 2008 06:15 am (UTC)
Well... there was this....
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Ai: B - GQ[info]zaipixie on April 2nd, 2008 06:20 am (UTC)
I agree that it wasn't the prettiest thing - but I actually never had any problem with it. *lol*
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callie: 005 yes[info]callie89 on April 2nd, 2008 06:33 am (UTC)
It certainly wasn't my favorite either, but I didn't really mind it.

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Ai: B - [self loathing][info]zaipixie on April 2nd, 2008 06:22 am (UTC)
.....Gale on the other hand made some serious fashion no-no's. Remember that gold suit and pink tie? *face/palm*
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xie_xie_xie[info]xie_xie_xie on April 2nd, 2008 06:25 am (UTC)
I wish I could forget.
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Ai: B - Wish I could forget[info]zaipixie on April 2nd, 2008 06:30 am (UTC)
You are not alone in that...*shudders*
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callie: b03Ai[info]callie89 on April 2nd, 2008 06:37 am (UTC)

Runs off to bleach my brain.

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firehead: Femme needs her rest[info]firehead30 on April 2nd, 2008 02:27 pm (UTC)
Callie, it is the fabric and the patterns of the sweater vests that bother me.
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