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[Jan. 4th, 2008|03:19 am]
"Spike never was good at not kissing and telling. He was pretty good in the sack. I wouldn't do it again, but he was good."

Buffy watched her friend's thumbs tuck into her belt and remembered seeing that before somewhere. Her eyes widened. She looked over at the rack and looked through the ones there, finding a size that was familiar with her. She held it out to her friend and smirked. "I think it will look good with the red hair."

She held up the black one for her. "So this will be good? I think its kinda hot... and no bra, cause backless dress... hmm... now for black thigh highs." She grabbed some for herself. She looked and didn't see any in green. "It doesn't look like they have green here... we might have to go elsewhere for those." She winked at her friend.
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