Jul. 2nd, 2012


Meme #2!


Second meme! This one's Veritaserum.

Your character's name in a comment.

A question, from their character to yours.

You respond, in character, as though your character has taken Veritaserum—that is, they cannot lie! Please note, though we are doing this meme IC for better amusement and to get a feel for the way characters communicate and react to each other, all knowledge shared here will be OOC.

Jul. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Sorry I took so long to get this up, but I'm Crystal, and I'm pretty sure most of you know me. I have three characters here so far, all from Feinted.

Rose Weasley (this journal) is a part-time third-year Wenlock student majoring in Herbology. She was a Ravenclaw during her time at Hogwarts. Personality-wise, Rose is the same person she was in Feinted, but for those of you who don't know her, Rose is a little shy, and while she can open up a little and be friendly with those she's close to, she's more reserved, quiet, and a little nervous around those she doesn't know so well. That said, while Rose would prefer to avoid drama and confrontation, she will stand up for herself and those she cares about. Despite being a Ravenclaw, she isn't much for studying and working hard for her grades- she has a tendency to coast on her natural intelligence. Not that she doesn't care about books and learning, she just doesn't see the point in working so hard on something if she can get good grades without much effort to begin with. One thing she isn't lazy about, however, is Quidditch, which has apparently paid off, as she's now a reserve for the Appleby Arrows. She doesn't have much time for extracurriculars, but has managed to squeeze in the Gaming Club and Feminist Collective, though she doesn't show up to every single meeting.


Tori Moon ([info]not_sailor) is a fourth-year at Oxbridge. She's a little different than she was in Feinted. Most notably, she's a squib, and during her teen years, she was pretty bitter about it and acted out. Combined with dealing with the fact that she struggled to accept her own lesbianism (which was even harder now that she was a squib), her teenage years were no picnic. While she's fully come to terms with her sexuality and embraces it, she's still a little wistful about not having magic now and then, though mostly she's become surprisingly chill and laid-back. Tori is materialistic, but comes from a large family without a lot of money. So since she was a kid, she came up with all kinds of moneymaking schemes to get the things that she wanted. Though she has a part-time job working at Gringott's during summers, which actually pays decently, she works at the school bookstore during the school year, which doesn't pay nearly as much, and so she resorts to things like running a gambling ring, scalping tickets, etc. If you need something illegal, she either has it, or can direct you to someone who does. She's a member of the following extracurriculars: East Asian Club, Gay-Straight Alliance, Student Radio, A Capella, and Choir.


Charlotte Macmillan ([info]aerophone) is a second-year at Wenlock. Her family has changed, but otherwise, she's pretty similar to Feinted!Charlotte, just a little more mature. For those who don't know Charlotte, she's a former Ravenclaw, and a Potions prodigy. She's a little annoying in Potions class- she's that kid who knows all the answers and wants to show off. That said, she's not condescending or smug about the fact that she knows more than most of the other kids, she just feels validated by it, somehow, and doesn't realize she's being annoying. That said, she's also always happy to help her classmates who are struggling with Potions and is good at breaking things down so that they're easy to understand. She likes to experiment with Potions as well. Charlotte also has an artistic side, and likes making jewelry, knitting, and music (she plays the trombone). She has an odd sense of style, which sometimes looks really cool, but other times is a hot mess. She likes standing out- she sees it as better than disappearing into the crowd, even if it does mean getting made fun of. Charlotte currently has a job mixing potions for Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions. She's a member of the following extracurriculars: Community service, Astronomy, Art Collective, Theatre, improv, and choir.

Charlotte isn't exactly thrilled with the idea of making the Wenlock students take Muggle courses with Muggles while upholding the Statute of Secrecy- not that she's against Muggles or Muggle culture, but how is she going to explain how she doesn't know certain Muggle things and keep the fact that she's a witch a secret? That said, she's going to have to interact with the Muggles in her classes and clubs, which could get interesting. She can't outright avoid them, but she will be a little more guarded towards them, and might give off the impression of shyness, even if she isn't really. She'll be more friendly towards those she knows that are aware of the wizarding world, such as squibs and siblings of Muggleborns.


So, those are my characters. They need plot, any and all kinds of it!

[No Subject]

HELLOOOOOOOOOO everyone! It's me, Lauren - the one who isn't a modly - and I have three for you! Two of which will be completely new to most of you. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a 24-year-old journalist from South Florida. I work insane hours, but I'm usually around for poking. My best days for RP are sadly during the week, Monday and Tuesday, but I can usually work around things. You can catch me at [info]hallow, on AIM at roarlaurenroar or e-mail starsnlaurs[at]aol.com.

So, let's do this!

AVA HOOPER is back and better than ever! She is a third year witch studying Potions (and Chemistry). When I dropped off the face of the earth at Feinted (won't happen again, promise!), Ava was really just discovering a lot of things about herself. Unfortunately, by the time she graduated she still had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. She pretty much just wanted to hang out at home and take some time to figure things out, but her parents basically said get a job or go to school, so she ended up at a daycare and decided she wanted to become a teacher -- a potions professor actually!

For those of you who don't know Ava, she's an incredibly sunshine-like person who sees the best in others, even when they have done things to harm her. She's a sensitive soul, loves animals and is a vegetarian. At the same time, she's almost completely unashamed of who she is and what she does, and she doesn't judge people for what they do either. She just wants everyone to be happy with themselves. For those of you who do know her, Ava is the same SUPER positive person, but she's not as naive as she was in Feinted. She's four years older, wiser and though she still thinks the best of people, she's not as shocked to find out people are bad. Oh, and she still has Clyde!

I know she has a few friends in game still, but she's always interested in more! I'd love people who don't like her, too, because having her have to deal with that would be hilarious. IDK - anything!

FRED WEASLEY is a fourth year squib studying Engineering. Fred has grown up feeling like a bit of a failure in his famous family. He dreams of being able to take over WWW, but knows that's never going to be possible. When he couldn't use magic, Fred used his ingenuity to make up for it. Example: he rigged a broom up on a clothesline to play keeper in family Quidditch matches as a kid. He's basically used science all his life in an attempt to re-create magic, so engineering was a natural pursuit for him. He is SO excited to be able to go to school with all of his cousins for the first time EVER. But now he's in his last year and has to really decide if he wants to go into the muggle world as an engineer, or stay in the magical world and try to make a life. Oh, and he's an avid rugby player - good enough to be recruited for his local club and possibly a low level national team - so rugby is an option too.

Personality-wise, Fred is a lot like his father in that he enjoys pranks. He shares his namesake's tendency to take things too far, and his mother's competitive streak is strong in him so much so that sometimes he really effs up and does things he regrets. Despite this, he's actually very personable on a superficial level and a very good salesman. He hates feeling useless or helpless, and he has a hard time showing weakness around others.

For plot, I would LOVE for him to have muggle friends that know him from school or whatever. Having his two worlds collide with the new requirements will be really interesting for him! Fred typically gets interested in what he can't have -- in his love life that means witches, so maybe someone he's crushed on? Maybe muggle girls he's dated?

LACEY ABBOTT is a first year muggle, the middle of the Abbott triplets and types in pink. Lacey is the least responsible of the triplets and is only in school because Poppy basically filled out and handed her application in. Lacey is studying fashion design - but we'll use the term studying lightly. This is basically her first time away from home and she doesn't know how to do anything for herself.

Personality-wise, Lacey is a bit overwhelming. She very much likes to be the center of attention and makes everything about her. She gets obsessed with things (or people) and then never completes them, or drops them. She's notoriously unreliable, but also a LOT of fun. She's pretty much down for anything most of the time. She loves a good time, so expect dorm parties in her room! She is cousins with Will, but doesn't know anything about magic obvs. Lacey wears her heart on her sleeve and can't usually contain herself well - but her emotions, just like her thoughts, ideas and projects - come and go in a burst of energy. She can get mad very easy, but she's over it just as quickly. She likes to live in the moment, not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Because of this, she's kind of selfish, thinking only of what she wants in the moment and not thinking about consequences. She's also incredibly lazy and only motivated to do things if they directly benefit her.

Since she's new to the school, she can probably make friends naturally but I'd love for some people who dislike her or find her ridiculously annoying.

So yaay! Plots plz!

Jun. 30th, 2012


An intro!

Hello game! I'm Mary and I'm new! I'm a 30 year old professional by day and a geeky rper by night. If I only had a cape. D:

Anyways, I bring to this game Alim "Allie" Hakim. He's a muggle and a freshman and a computer science major.

Allie hails from Bristol and his parents are teachers. His mum teaches Literature. His dad teaches Biology. Due to that, Allie is kind of a dreamer and a major science geek. As a result, he has a healthy obsession with the pseudo-sciences like ESP, ghosts, cryptozoology, and you know, all those things wizards know about but are pure hokum to muggles.

His current obsession is aliens mostly because he and a friend stumbled upon some wizard stuff and an obliviator erased their memory but did not account for the missing time. So Allie thought, "I have 20 minutes I cannot account for! Abductees witness missing time! It was aliens!"

So he's kind of odd and kind of quirky. He's pretty blunt and socially awkward and loves to ~share what he learned~ and talks too much.

He's in the Anime, Film, and Gaming Clubs. He also is in the Middle Eastern Club as he is 1/2 Yemeni and is fluent in Arabic.

You can read more on his profile and contact me AIM psionickender!

[No Subject]

run the button please!

And welcome Mary with Allie Hakim ([info]pseudoscientist).

Jun. 28th, 2012



poppy abbott.

Hi everyone! I'm Lauren, the other half of the mod team (FamiliarGleam on AIM, familiargleam@gmail.com), and I bring you someone who is new to most of you!

This is Poppy Abbott, 1st year Muggle pre-med at Oxbridge, and cousin to the Longbottoms—though she has no idea they're magical. Poppy is basically one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. She is the last of the Abbott children and the youngest triplet; Lacey ([info]inlace) is her identical twin, and their triplet Noah is currently being written. Poppy plays conscience, voice of reason, peacemaker, and stand-in mother to her more rambunctious and rather less scrupulous siblings. She is patient and forgiving pretty much to a fault: her willingness to let go of flaws in the people she loves could send her down a very dangerous path if it wasn't for her overprotective siblings. She cries very easily, and has perfected the wounded puppy look which is often pulled out when she is scolded or yelled at—because Poppy just doesn't get mad back. She's not good enough with confrontation to keep it together when faced head-on with conflict, and would be more likely to find a corner to cower in if threatened than she would be to fight back. She is also an extreme worrywart, which translates into gentle nagging for friends and family: smoking isn't good for you, you know; you oughtn't drink so much; I wish you wouldn't walk home by yourself that late; have you been eating properly? etc. She usually relies heavily on her siblings for social interaction, but not always!

Sooo whatcha got?



Intro #2 Ya'll

So hey guys, it's Sarah again, bringing you my second, the very lovable (literally, he won most lovable, I have the banner to prove it) Ian Corner!

So, this Ian is, personality-wise, exactly as you might remember him from feinted. He's sweet, earnest, hard working and a great listener. He'll crack jokes, but he's mostly just very sweet and kind. He's shy around new people, especially girls, and he has a tendency to blush and stutter, especially around a pretty face. He's had exactly one girlfriend, and it was like in a Victorian manner's novel. They like, took a month to hold hands and 4 to snog. So. But he's very gentlemanly, no one could deny that. And he's OBLIVIOUS. You practically have to tap dance naked in front of him to get the hint you like him, mostly because he's not sure why anyone would. He's not bad looking, just average. But, he's a great friend and a good listener.

The main difference is that Ian is a squib. It was a huge disappointment to his parents, but never displayed any magic, and they were a bit heartbroken for a while. They bucked up and researched muggle schools (because Ian IS really intelligent, and showed early signs of it, like talking/reading early) and they had another kid. His sister Fiona is a 5th year Ravenclaw, and basically, their "normal" kid. He's fascinated by plants (he's specializing in Botany) and hopes one day to be able to work with magical plants somehow so he can have a connection to his parents. He'd be likely to know some magical folks due to his parents, and he's around the magical world, even if he isn't magical himself. He's in outdoor club, environmental club, and on the rugby team. Oh, and he's always seen working out and reading at the same time, it's a favorite.

SO. Friends? Acquaintances? Girls he's stammered in front of and/or been oblivious to? rugby pals?? IDEK GIVE ME EVERYTHING.



[No Subject]

Hi again! Heather here introducing #2, Larissa Samuels. As with Leon, she's pretty much the same as at Feinted, only a year younger this time. She'll therefore have been dorm-mates with Charlotte and yearmates with Viola and Roxanne :)

Summing up what you need to know about her if you haven't played with her before/updated stuff for Wenlock:

* Speaks with a South African twang which she picked up from her socialite/humanitarian mother, but born and raised in England. Father died in her second year. Her siblings are all older and sometimes Larissa takes her nieces and nephews for strolls around campus. She dresses pretty casually, unless it's for a Big Night Out.

* She's studying Wizarding Healing, and is on the Women's Cricket team (middle order batswoman) and Women's Rugby team (Scrum Half. She's only little). She also writes a regular column for the student newspaper, in which she discusses the pros and cons of a current political, social or student issue. Sometimes serious, sometimes frivolous.

* Known for working slightly too hard during her first year and being exhausted after first year exams, though she's now going to have a much better work/life balance. She LOATHES people who party into the early hours in the dorms during the week, though, and thinks that for arranged parties it's just common courtesy to inform everyone else in the building first so they can make alternative arrangements if they need to study.

* Socially very smart, but when it comes to romance, she's never been kissed and is embarrassed about that fact. Very few people would notice this, but she's definitely not as flirtatious around boys as other students.

* She's pretty good at making the right decisions about things, and will help people figure out proper solutions to their problems.

Plotty McPlot time! <3



Time for our first meme! This one is called "5 Things", and it is pretty simple.

Your character's name in a comment.

A request for a list of 5. It can be anything from "5 favorite foods" to "5 times Gavin cried".

You provide the requested list, in character!

Easy, no? Feel free to ask questions if you have them!

Jun. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

HI! ♥ My name is Cindy, my CDJ is at [info]cilantro, and for those who don't know me yet (let's change that!), I'm 23 years old, living in San Francisco, and working at a job where I'm in front of a computer screen all day, so basically, I'm around and pingable on AIM as mehtric. :) Without further ado, here are my two (RHYME TIME!):
OLLY HENDRY/[info]pitted (junior, Muggle, Computer Science major): Let's be real, Olly can come off as a total stick in the mud; her no-nonsense attitude really doesn't afford you much leeway and she upholds high standards on everybody, including her friends and herself. On the flip side, she is generous and warmhearted with strong maternal instincts, which is why she might as well be a mama bear with a tough-love mentality and little tolerance for drama or bullying. Even if programming on her Unix machine or practicing the cello takes up most of her schedule, she'll always find time for you. Her app is here!

DOMINIQUE WEASLEY/[info]slanted (senior, former Ravenclaw, Archaeology/Business major): Dominique is a bundle of whimsy and cheek, and if you can spot that terrifyingly wide grin of hers, just run and duck for cover, because she'll inevitably try and enable you into doing something totally ridiculous (serenade somebody in the Great Hall? Strip poker? DO IT.) solely for the entertainment. People who get along best with Dominique tend to have a good sense of humor and the capacity to roll with the punches, because she doesn't slow down for people who can't keep up. Her favorite pasttimes include playing tricks, trolling journals, and throwing shade. Yeah, she's a real charmer. Her app is here!

I've currently got these two girls at the moment, though I'm thinking of picking up a boy/underclassman -- let me know if you have ideas! But for now, I will take ALL OF THE PLOTS. I want your everything as long as it's free~



[No Subject]

Hey guys! BritA here with Louis Weasley. Those of you who know him from Feinted, well, he's basically the same, but a few years older. Any new people - hi! I'm a (currently unemployed) social worker from England and Louis is a lazy, laidback, cheerful Hufflepuff who is pretty difficult to actively dislike and pretty easily led. He's the youngest child of Bill and Fleur, brother to the perfect Victoire and the irrepressible Dominique. He's got a bit of Veela in him that actually works sometimes on straight men, which is ~interesting. He, incidentally, is completely straight, despite what people assume.

Louis is studying Languages because he's bilingual (English/French) and learning additional languages comes easily to him - and if there's one thing Louis likes, it's things being easy! He loves all his crazy-ass family to bits and that's the closest you'll get from him to picking a side. I'd love to know how he gets on with everyone else in his year, and plot with family as well. Ex-girlfriends too, maybe? And anything else you've got! Bio is here if you want more.

Also hit me up if there are any characters you particularly want to see, as I imagine I'll be applying for another at some point :-)

[No Subject]

Hey y'all! I'm Gabby, and I think the majority of you all know me, but here's a quick recap! I'm 24, I'm a teacher, and I've moved to 4th grade - NOT because the 6th graders were mentally and emotionally taxing, but because of staffing and numbers of kids and things like that. I'm not teaching over the summer, just workin' out, learning to play the guitar (... I swear I'm not a bro), working a liiiitle (I'm an independent consultant for a skin care and cosmetics company and I'm my own boss, so that's cool), and not doing much of anything else. I've got a lot of time on my hands, especially since my boyfriend lives 8 hours away. I'm over here in EST land, but again... I'm online a lot.

I've changed my RP email address and AIM just to organize things a bit and not have my personal email floating around the interwebs. For both email and IM, it's etlebonheur@gmail.com. [:

Lily is a 1st year Wizarding Law & Criminal Studies major. She was Head Girl at Hogwarts, and she's an overachiever. It's a side-effect of having Harry and Ginny for parents, having an Aunt Hermione, and being a strong-willed girl. She wants to either be Chief Witch of the Wizengamot or the Minister of Magic one day. She's charismatic, and I think more people would like her if she weren't so damn rule-abiding. Lily IS likable... she can be uptight at times, though. She really doesn't take after her Uncle George at all. Because she's all about rules and laws, she's into policy and changing things if she doesn't like them the way they are. Unfortunately for everyone, she's got a ridiculous temper. She usually reserves it for close friends and family, but there will always be people that rub her the wrong way. She's involved in GSA and various community service activities... she's a huge quidditch fan... she's angry with Will Longbottom right now... she's got two brothers at Wenlock as well, and that's her in a nutshell!

She'll need friends, people she doesn't get along well with, family members (... the Potter/Weasley clan is ridiculous and I love it), etc. For wizarding folks, at least, I imagine that there are people who know who Lily is just by virtue of the fact that she's a Potter. Former Gryffindors are likely friends!

I leave you with the beautiful words of Pat Benetar: hit me with your best plot!



Introducing Leon

Hello all! Heather here introducing #1, Leon Beery (I'll intro Kevin and Larissa later on at some point). For those of you who were in Feinted, he's pretty much exactly the same just four years into the future. For those of you who weren't, here's a summary.

* 4th year Wenlock student, though his degree is an equal split with WADA. Spent the first two years studying acting there, with the last two reading Muggle Studies at Wenlock (non wizards, that's Sociology & Anthropology to you!). He says it'll help him be a better actor. When the Wenlock students pick their Muggle classes, he'll be taking Theatre and Film Studies. His extra-curriculars are film club, theatre and choir.

* Former Slytherin, very self confident, a social butterfly and fairly snarky. Half-blood from an old wizarding line, but his family are obsessed with Muggle culture so he's very good at blending in. Wizards should check out the family café-bar in Diagon Alley, Beery's, which is Muggle themed and aims to help integration. Muggles, you might have heard of his maternal grandparents: Grandma is Helena Frobisher, society photographer, and Grandfather is Jonathan Frobisher, presenter of a highbrow Muggle television political programme called Westminster on Sunday. They're magical, but this is the whole blending-in thing going on again.

* Still dating Maggie Wood - they've been together three and a half years now, so anyone who studies with her or takes part in her extra-curriculars might know him by sight.

* He's crossing his fingers like craaaazy that he gets a half decent dorm this year, because as little as he'd like to admit it, he's a bit of a diva who likes his home comforts.

Bio is here for those who need it.

Looking forward to the game!



Inro for Park Tae-Hyun! ♥

Ayyyylo there lovies! I be Kenzie, this guy be Tae-Hyun, and we both be craycray. All jokes aside, only one of us is crazy and neither of us is owning up to it, so we’re going to jump right into the reason behind these ol’ introduction posts (which I tend to loath and love at the same time), and say HERE IS PARK TAE-HYUN! That would be Park for a last, Tae-Hyun for the first, and now we can all wonder for a while why Korean’s put the family name first while I tell you a bit about my boy-o!

Tae-Hyun comes from an exceedingly wealthy family, as his grandfather created what is now called the Jeonseol Group, a family/privately owned company that specializes in electronics, oil and gas, automotives, telecommunications and logistics trading. It is a company well known around the world, much like Wal-mart, however much more than a chain of grocery and warehouse stores. If your characters a muggle and tends to pick up magazines, there is a possibility they’ve seen his face in there a couple of times if they don’t know him personally. He enjoys the finer things in life, likes things fast and expensive, and has very little concern when it comes to money and his spending habits. He’s well dressed and well mannered, but not at all what the wealthy, handsome young man might be when given and offered whatever his heart desires.

He’s very personable and outgoing, easily drawing people to him with his personality and charisma rather than the wealth and power of his family name. Coupled with his enjoyment of spending money, Tae-Hyun likes to share his wealth amongst his friends, often paying for meals, outings, and vacations. He doesn’t just hand money out – but he enjoys spending what he has on other people. He has two wonderful parents that have kept him grounded in the real world, and as humble as they could muster. He isn’t perfect – he can be arrogant, put his foot in his mouth, prideful, and stubborn. He sticks to his beliefs and opinions as if they were facts, and can break and bend the rules when he believes they’re wrong or they go against his own personal code of conduct.

If you’re interesting, you can find his bio here!



[No Subject]

Hello all my little ducklings. Lis here to introduce you to two familiar faces: Viola Rosier and Will Longbottom. Currently I am on vacation with limited internet access (read tethering to the phone without 3G/4G service) until Sunday so for plotting purposes hit me up via email. When I'm not on vacation I am usually available evenings and weekends.

Because ladies are first, we have Viola Rosier, second year. She is currently studying French and Wizarding Cultural and Artistic History, neither of which interest her terribly, but that's what she was convinced to take as a good pureblooded girl. For the past year she has been planning her July 7th wedding to a yet-unnamed pureblood boy, but has just recently called it off, much to the consternation of her mother. As a result, Viola's relationship with her mother (never a healthy one to begin with) has been strained.

Viola can be a quiet person and very complaisant, allowing herself to get pushed around by the one she loves and taken advantage of. If you knew her last year, she was probably very nice and cordial, but probably came off a bit snobbish or distracted. She is easily shocked and probably considered a prude by many people. This year, emboldened by her refusal to marry someone she didn't really love, that is all up to change. She loves muggle films and technology, though she never got to take Muggle Studies in Hogwarts, so she'll be fascinated, if not a little inept.

For Viola I would really love her ex-fiance in the game, but that's not critical at this point. Friends and enemies to be sure. Maybe even future hook up possibilities. Also, can someone teach her how to use her phone to do more than just call people?


Now, because we saved the best for last, we also have Will Longbottom, first year. The slacker who could get away with his natural intelligence while in Hogwarts has recently had his life changing moment. Stifled by Hogwarts in the last few months he was there, Will had to be talked out of dropping out by his father. While he did complete his education there and took his NEWTs, the morning after his graduation party, he took off for Europe for a few weeks with little more than a note letting friends and family know where he's going. He'll be back in game by the time summer school starts.

While he's your typical slacker sort, Will can also be incredibly driven when he puts his mind to it. He's clever and likes talking to people, which somehow translated into double majoring in Muggle Studies and Journalism. He'll also be involved in Improv, Student Newspaper, and Student Radio. Will is loud, occasionally obnoxious, and learning to not be a complete and utter selfish prick. It's debatable if he's successful or not.

Will totally needs friends and enemies, yo. Hit him up!

As always, you can reach me (normally) via AIM at pyrogirlscout, but if I'm not online, shoot me an email at pyrobear88@gmail.com and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Jun. 26th, 2012



Intro for Maggie Wood

Hello everyone! I think right now I know most, if not all of you. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Sarah! I'm 30 years old, a high school History and Speech&Debate teacher currently on summer break teaching summer school, so that means I am around ALL the time! You can find me most often on AIM: oliverwoodwood, but I also answer emails pretty fast (rogerlovr at yahoo dot com). I also really love gifs a whole lot:

Anyway, about Miss Maggie here. So, Maggie is the daughter of Oliver Wood and Sally-Anne Perks. She's a former Hufflepuff, and she fits her house well given her loyalty and hard work. Once Maggie decides you're friends with her you are friends FOR LIFE. She's a little ball of energy (seriously, she's tiny) and she loves jokes, pranks, and mischief/fun. She's got a twin brother Danny (HI TWIN!!) and a boyfriend Leon (*waggles eyebrows*) and she's pretty spunky, if sometimes an emotional roller coaster. Now, she's really similar to the Maggie you all knew at feinted (lol edit, already getting name wrong). After graduation, Maggie spent a year traveling abroad-she went to Europe, Africa, and all over Asia. It had a pretty profound effect on her, especially as she honed her writing living with different groups of people on her travels. She came back when her brother was injured and decided to enroll and be trained in Wizarding journalism, especially so she can use her experience meeting people from all over. She's going to be REALLY excited about meeting muggle classmates (she LOVES muggle things like A LOT)! She's editor of the features section of the school paper, has a radio show, and is in outdoorsy/nature clubs. She fell in love while sleeping in the great outdoors, what can she say?

Sooo, I am bad at intros, but the rest is here on her profile.

Friends? Enemies? FRENEMIES??

Can't wait to DO THIS THING!!



[No Subject]

Hello everybody! I'm Carrah, bringing you just one familiar face. This young man here is one Danny Wood, 3rd year healing/pre-med student. He's the same age as the 4th years, but he spent a year as a reservist for Montrose. A hard accident left him temporarily paralyzed, so his Quidditch career ended. But! He was able to follow another dream in healer training, so here he is! His twin sister, Maggie, is a 3rd year as well- they're pretty close. Ummmm. He's a kind, friendly bloke, loyal to a fault, and if you're his friend, he'd do anything for you. He wears kilts more often than not, and occasionally walks with a limp, a residual from his accident. Andddd I don't know what else to say, so I'll link you to his profile!

I would love to find friends, exes, frenemies, classmates, anything! As always, you can find me on aim/gmail as heykidbiteme, or [info]venezia on IJ! ♥

[No Subject]

Hey guys! This is Alison, one of your mods, and I have three here because I have no willpower. First up is Sophia Vos-Fisher, a 3rd year herbology and linguistics double major and former Ravenclaw. Sophia is thoughtful and mellow and genuinely a sweet girl. She tends to think things through and weigh her words carefully before she speaks because she doesn't want to do or say anything she'll regret. She loves people and getting to know them and their stories so do not be surprised if she randomly strikes up a conversation with you! She's sensitive and tries to avoid confrontation at all costs, which sometimes means she'll be hesitant to speak up about her beliefs or her feelings. But she does care a lot and while you won't see her soapboxing, she is passionate about the environment and animal rights (and, of course, feminism).

Next up is Roxanne Weasley ([info]shipwreckers), 2nd year business major and former Slytherin. Roxanne is a little trouble maker. She likes pranks and rebellion and scandals and enabling. She is kind of an awful influence, and, really, kind of an awful friend. She's sassy and she can be snarky, but she is very protective of her friends and family. She's likes to be talked about and noticed, and she is not even remotely concerned with negative opinions. She also enjoys making people uncomfortable. She can be a little wild and unpredictable since her attention span is short and she loves a good adrenaline rush. While she's not always nice, she's your girl if you want an adventure.

Lastly, there's Gavin Aldridge ([info]degaussing), 4th year Chem and Bio double major and a muggle. He is also the TA for both and will be helping tutor the wizards this summer. As he is unaware of magic, he will hate them all for being incompetent in science (and they can hate him right back). Gavin is very intelligent, and he knows it so he can be condescending and elitist. He's intense, overly serious, and a perfectionist, but he is absolute shit with people and large groups of people make him nervous. The whole, you know, emotions things? Yeah, he doesn't get it, so he usually comes off as cold and aloof. Which he is. He's not really mean, but he is certainly not warm and fuzzy so he doesn't make friends easily, which suits him fine. He would rather be studying anyway, thanks.

So yes. That is my harem. I am open to anything though I can't think of any lines in particular I am desperate to fill. I just want ALL OF THE PLOT kthnxbai.