The Fatal Frame/Project Zero fandom on IJ's Journal
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Thursday, October 18th, 2007

    Time Event
    General Game Stuff
    Okay, this place needs a post. Or something. NOW. So I will start.

    How did you first stumble upon the games? Which was your first?

    I first found out about the Fatal Frame series waaay back when the first installment was released on the PS2 in America. PSM magazine released a very long, helpful boss FAQ for the game, as well as gave it a 7.8 (I think) as a review score. Once I found out that you used a camera in combat, I instantly placed it on my Christmas list. I got it for Christmas as a gift from my aunt, but didn't play it until about March. Despite having all of the games released in America, I've only beaten Crimson Butterfly.

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