InsaneJournal FAQs
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FAQ 109: Broken link

There's a broken link in the screened comments FAQ: the Manage Comments link there is

𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒂 [userpic]
EDIT FAQ 155: How do I post by email?

How do I post by email? has been touched up. There were reports of broken code (the lj-raw tag) and a majority of the links weren't working. I simply fixed a couple of typos, added the links, and adjusted the correct tags.

If you feel there should be changes to the formatting or wording, please do not hesitate to correct me here. I like being told when I'm wrong in matters like this. I don't use this feature myself, but have checked it along with other FAQ pages and it seems to all be working right. If there's more information I should add, I will be glad to do so.

Many thanks to [info]surreal for originally writing this FAQ up for InsaneJournal. I still appreciate all the work you've put towards the site in the past and it pained me to have to work on a piece of history, hehe.

Current Mood: content content
Current Music: Cake - Dime
𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒂 [userpic]
Added FAQ 164

What is an OpenID account? How do I get one and use it? has been added to the FAQ listing. NOTE! This is a very rough draft as I am still actively seeking information out (my own account has some weird bugs itself) and am waiting on getting some questions answered. This will also be edited once I modify another FAQ in regards to OpenID comments and banning the accounts.

... I also wrote this at 3:30 AM, so any pointers on my terrible grammar would be appreciated. :) As well as any notes I need to add. Once again, deleting/banning comments from an OpenID account will be covered in another FAQ. I'm looking more for details on the specific accounts.

Current Mood: tired tired
Qem [userpic]
FAQ updates

Have updated FAQ 89 to include the firefox issue by request; Any edits wanted?

Added to custom filters and posting to asylums additionally

ding! [userpic]
Suggestion - Can someone whip together a "known issues list"?

I know that a number of sites have it, might be useful here and save the opening and reopening of questions ... of course, perhaps if I'd searched closed questions it might be there. Bad me.

So, known issues when compared to the code base of LJ:

These are not complaints, just a "noticed things/update" kind of list? Objections, suggestions, comment, conclusions?
LJ Open SourceInsaneJournal status
Tag Editing @ Tag LinkYesKnown Issue, no ETA as of 12/12/07
Self-Editing of CommentsYesKnown Issue, no ETA as of 12/12/07

Qem [userpic]
FAQ updates

Is it possible we could try gathering together all of the FAQ's that need to be updated in this post? I've been looking through but there might be some that are missed

I know syndication of points needs to be updated... I think it is that paid users can create syndicated feeds no limits, and free users can add feeds, within normal friending limits...

Should the syndicated points faq [ ] be deleted and all references to syndicated points be changed to "limited to account type" ?

Qem [userpic]
FAQ update

This FAQ here needs to be updated from

-- Free Patient: 100 friends
-- Early Inmate: 400 friends
-- Self-committed [paid]: 800 friends
-- Permanently Insane: 1,000 friends


Free Patient - 1000 friends
Early Inmate - 1000 friends
Self-Committed [paid] - unlimited
Permanently Insane - unlimited

As detailed here:
Although I am assuming with the early inmate case... (It was however raised to at least 500 previously.

Qem [userpic]
Is it possible that an FAQ on tracking could be created?

Is it possible that an FAQ on tracking be implemented?

Currently there are frequent requests in support on how to get tracking working, when it's only in beta and hasn't been fully implemented yet.

Qem [userpic]
Request for a new FAQ

I couldn't find an FAQ to talk about the "minimise search engine results" feature... Which users can do to help prevent their entries from being cached.

Um. A suggestion for the FAQ would be something along the lines of

"How can I prevent my journal from being included in search engine results?

If you wish to minimise your journals inclusion in search engine results, and to help prevent your entries from being cached off site, please visit the viewing options page [ ] and select the option to "Minimize your journal's inclusion in search engine results" which is located under Additional privacy options.

However it is important to note that not all robot/spiders will adhere to this request, so you may wish to friendslock your entries in order to prevent them from being cached on search engines.

For more information on security levels please see

Current Mood: blah blah
scarah [userpic]
Syndication points

The syndication main category and 118 both refer to the points and quota system for creating feeds.

I can't find the post now, but I'm 99% sure I read somewhere that the points system is entirely deprecated and that free accounts can't create any feeds but paid/permanent accounts have no limits on creation. And everyone can friend as many as they want regardless of account type.

If I'm not totally on glue, would it be possible for someone with privs to update this? Thanks!

isabeau [userpic]
FAQ 49 - lj user vs lj comm?

FAQ 49 currently mentions the <lj comm> tag; as far as I understand it, this is still supported but is kind of deprecated. ([info]faqs and [info]faqs should look the same, even though the first is comm and the second is user.) The FAQ should probably be updated to just have the lj user version, and mention that it works for all account types (personal, asylum, syndicated).

Unless, of course, I'm wrong, in which case, uh, this post will self-destruct in about thirty seconds? *grin*

Qem [userpic]
Update FAQ 113 and 109

The information for these FAQs should be updated to make it clear to newcommers how to change the settings. Currently it directs users to go to their edit profile, which is not the most straightforward means of changing these settings

Is it possible that the FAQ 113 be updated from link can be updated to

/*Suggestions for 113*/
Go to the manage comments page ( and find the option labeled "Enable comments". You will need to adjust this setting, in order to prevent anonymous comments in your journal.

Alternatively, you could choose to screen anonymous comments by default; for more information on your comment screening options, please see .


/*Suggestions for 109 - change this paragraph*/
To set up your account's screening options, visit the manage comments page (, where there is an option labeled: "Comment screening". In this drop down box, you can select the type of accounts you wish to screen. If instead you want to ban someone from commenting in your journal entirely, please read .


Current Mood: awake awake
isabeau [userpic]
HTML cleanup on FAQ 43?

"The default name for a new style is --new."

should be: "The default name for a new style is <username>-<view type>-new."

(, that is, the < and > need to be changed to &lt; and &gt;.)

𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒂 [userpic]
FAQ - Rewritten and Updated

With permission from [info]squeaky, I have modified FAQ 132: To what level of decency are journals held? to fit for the more current times of Insanejournal. Please note that the last time this FAQ was touched was in 2003, so it's a big change.

Current Mood: calm calm
Qem [userpic]
Minor thing to add to FAQ?

Faq 54 should probably be updated to include information such as how to include information such as location (which can only been seen in the s2 layout system, not the s1) or a new faq created. :)

location: comp labs
Current Mood: complacent complacent
nekonexus [userpic]
FAQ #158 (tags)

FAQ 158 explains how to add tags, but should maybe also explain how to delete/remove them from a post.

Current Mood: curious curious
isabeau [userpic]
Syndication, more syndication, and custy stuff

FAQ 40 mentions syndication point limits -- as does FAQ 118, which is the FAQ about it, and 139, and 120 -- which as I understand it no longer exist; the first should be edited, and the second probably hidden/unlinked with an edit that it no longer applies.

Also, 122 should maybe have a thing about feed size (since a valid but too-large feed will not update).

Unrelatedly, would there be any interest in having a FAQ (or tutorial) explaining how to create custom Theme-and-or-Layout layers?

snakeling [userpic]
FAQ #150 update + limits to the friends page

In view of the recent announcement, FAQ #150 needs updating.

In addition, could we add somewhere the friends page limits (see request #823)?

Zanne Chaos [userpic]
Tagging permissions and Email display

[info]das_dingsi noticed that there was no reference in the FAQs how to change the permissions for tags for communities, and wrote up instructions, in both English and German.

This information should probably be included.


There should also be something in the FAQs about how to mangle your displayed email address to protect it from spambots.

isabeau [userpic]
FAQ 48?

I don't know if it's just me, but doesn't actually have any code showing up. This is probably not a good thing. :)

(also, hi! I seem to be here too. FAQs are fun. \o/ )

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