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November 30th, 2017

[info]destructionmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Destruction Island


an original character mutant rpg







In mid-2012, the picturesque state of Washington was turned upside-down when a nuclear reactor suddenly began to overheat and meltdown. All neighboring residences were immediately evacuated while officials began the repair and cleanup. Unfortunately, in the process of stabilizing the power plant, it became clear that unknown levels of radiation had leaked into the atmosphere for at least several years before the plant was deemed to be a danger. Rumors swirled that in reality the land and water had been toxic for several decades. Anyone living within a 250 mile radius was strongly encouraged to seek medical attention to screen for potential problems. The response was overwhelming; thousands sought treatment. Hundreds died, and hundreds more were adversely affected by radiation poisoning. These people were offered refuge off the coast of Washington state in a place called Destruction Island. Here, a seemingly typical suburban neighborhood was established in place of a former wildlife preserve, in the hopes of offering its new residents some sense of normalcy. The cornerstone of Destruction was a special facility, where 'victims' of the radiation contamination could receive medical treatment, mental health counseling, education, and various types of training to assist in adjusting to their new lives. The residents were encouraged to go on about their normal lives, establish social, academic, and occupational connections, and to make the best of a bad situation while all of their worldly needs were completely covered by the US government.

However, things on the Island were not as they seemed. While the public was told one story, the residents of Destruction experienced a very different reality. Their every moment was monitored: cameras recorded resident movement at every turn, armed military guards patrolled the island to 'keep the peace.' Communication with those outside the island was greatly restricted, all emails and calls were screened and often blocked completely. It was rumored that even resident homes were bugged. Residents with radiation side-effects were forbidden to leave the island once quarantined there, family members that traveled with them were heavily encouraged to remain. Often their plans to leave the island were terminated. Throughout the community, tensions ran high between residents and so-called officials. Violence between guards and residents became commonplace and soon there were more reported deaths from violence than from the effects of the radiation. Eventually, any resident could be taken into custody at any time, if they were deemed a ‘threat.’ The more vocal protesting residents slowly began to disappear, leaving their friends and family both outraged and terrified. Other conspiracy theories arose: the Island's food and water supply would be cut off or poisoned, effectively wiping out the population; children of residents with side-effects would be taken from their parents and experimented upon in order to find a 'cure'; the radiation leak was purposeful and this was all one giant government experiment to see if they could induce genetic change and produce super-humans. Regardless of the real reason behind what was occurring on Destruction, freedom was now a relative term and several residents began to join together in secrecy to stage a revolt.

In late 2014, the uprising began. Known as The Faction, an underground group of residents began to make their presence known: first in the form of peaceful protests against the government. When these quiet acts of defiance were met with continued restrictions, threats, and violence, The Faction pressed forward, the number of members growing quickly. Even some government officials and military personnel were rumored to be secretly supporting the revolution. Still, the government at-large would not back off so easily and began to plant spies among the residents and even within the Faction itself in order to calm the impending storm. Just as it seemed a full fledged war was about to erupt, the Faction's leader, was publicly attacked, beaten, and taken into custody by the military. Rumors of her whereabouts and condition swirled: some believed she was killed, others thought she was considered to be a domestic terrorist and thrown in prison. While no one had seen her since her capture, some claimed to still occasionally receive telepathic messages from her, encouraging them to continue on with the Faction's mission. For now, it seems as though the turmoil calmed. The government resumed control of the Island and its residents; military-resident violence allegedly decreased and order was restored. But the Faction is far from gone, and they do not intend to stay silent for long.

Destruction Island is a modern-day, genetic-mutation based game set on an island off the coast of Washington state. All characters are human, with or without genetic mutation. In addition to coping with the existence of genetic mutation in themselves and/or friends and family members, residents of Destruction Island must also learn to live in a dystopian society closely monitored and controlled by the government. Some may choose to focus on finding some sense of normalcy, others may be bitter and angry at the lack of government response to their poisoning, still others may play an integral role in the continued revolution effort.

All types of characters are encouraged: government officials, military forces, revolutionaries, and common citizens. Interaction is key: a character cannot exist in isolation.

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