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December 28th, 2016

[info]kiseki_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

::: [ Kiseki - A CLAMP-based RPG ] :::

Kiseki is panfandom slice-of-life jamjar game set in the separate world of Miracle Country, a series of islands with all kinds of magical mishaps and circumstances. It seems a pleasant enough place, aside from some underlying creepiness (think Outo Country in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle or cursed Storybrooke in Once Upon a Time).

Kiseki is a CLAMP inspired (meaning series such as Card Captor Sakura, X/1999, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, and Magic Knight Rayearth – just to name a few), but no prior knowledge of the manga-ka is necessary to join – it’s great for both CLAMP enthusiasts and canon-blind appers.

Kiseki has both game-wide events and player-run plots, with events tending to run on at least a monthly basis, ranging in themes from fluffy/shippy to more action/plot-heavy events. There's events centered around CR building and CD, while others focus on action, there're even several themed game-wide AUs now and then. Events are also replayable, within reason, inviting more character-driven plotting. There’s a huge emphasis on building CR and interpersonal relationships between characters. (Check out here and here for examples of our events, both fluffier and more action-packed!)

Current casts include BBC'S Musketeers, BBC's Merlin, Once Upon A Time, Humans, Lucifer, Dragon Age, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Korra, Alice in Wonderland, Frozen, Akatsuki no Yona, Card Captor Sakura, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Saiyuki, Kuroshitsuji, Dragon Ball, Utena, Yuuri!!! on Ice, & Noragami!!

We have an on-going test drive meme! Come and try out the game!

Reserves are always open and last for one week, and the application itself is simple: no third person required!

Welcoming characters of all mediums!

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