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April 9th, 2016

[info]writtenwordmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Since the beginning of time the written word has held power beyond imagination. Stories shaped the world we live in today and in truth they still continue to do their job. There have always been those that could use the written word to bend the world around them to their will. Some call them witches, some call them silver tongues and some call them demons, but these individuals can use their abilities to bring the written word to life. Due to the prejudices of the others in the world most of these special people made the choice to hide their abilities. Then one little girl came along that would change things for these special people forever. Her name was Lily and she wanted the world to see her gift for what it was....a way to help people and to create new life. Eventually she learned that some people would never see things the way she did, so she decided that instead of changing this world she would just create her own.

She read every book she could, planning her world to perfection. Finally she chose to create a world out of her favorite role-playing game.. She chose a location deep the Amazon Rain Forest and then she began to read out loud. Piece by piece the world began to take shape until finally the entire kingdom of Vecna was right in front of her. This was a world all her own and she took the throne, ready to make it everything it should be. Her first mistake was allowing other silver-tongues to come live in her kingdom. A faction arose that wanted to take control and they begin to read characters out of books that they knew would cause strife, so Lily was left with no choice she began to read out her heroes and massing an army of her own.....

Wanted Characters

Any and everyone! More to come.

Game Info

[info]itswrittenword is a game loosely based on the Inkheart Series and Dungeons and Dragons. Any fandom with a written base is welcome here, meaning novels, comics, graphic novels and short stories.