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September 20th, 2015

[info]chepleyadmin in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Chepley Junction

You find yourself aboard a steam train, with no memory of how you came to be there. The train comes to a halt, and the conductor ushers you out onto a quaint-looking platform, reminding you not to forget your suitcase. Perhaps you are alone upon arrival. Perhaps there are others with you. Either way, there's now no leaving the magical little town of Chepley Parva, where the normal rules of physics don't apply.

A mysterious barrier keeps the rest of the world locked out... and everyone else in. All advanced technology - electronics, motor vehicles, and even guns - brought into town stop working. Scientists and magicians alike are working to figure out what's going on and make up for the limitations, but it's hard to find common ground between the inherently rational and the naturally illogical. Everyone has the same story: dropped off at the train station sometime in the last five years. If any of the current residents have been in Chepley Parva longer, and know its secrets? They aren't telling.

Chepley Junction is a small, relatively new panfandom+ game with flexible pacing looking to expand. This game is open to the public.

Applications for original and canon characters are all welcome!


Most Wanted: Doctor Who, Fright Night, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Marvel, Once Upon A Time, Buffyverse, Welcome to Nightvale, and more!

{photo credit irishviews.com, code credit hammertech}

[info]theheadmistress in [info]fantasy_rpgs

"Founded in 1961, the Lee-Kirby Academy has always tried to be a safe haven, a sanctuary, a place where young superhumans from all over the world can come and learn in peace and safety. With a faculty and staff dedicated to training young heroes to face the wider world to the best of their abilities, Lee-Kirby is the best and only real option for superhuman education anywhere."

That's what the brochures say, anyway. They don't tell you about the rumors surrounding the genetics of some of the students, or the rumors regarding some of the faculty using the school as their own personal army training grounds, or all the very obvious class warfare going on with the students, or the stories about some of the students being a little...off.

Lee-Kirby tries to be the best of the best, providing scholarships to students not lucky enough to be born into money and teaching a curriculum designed to get students into Yale or Harvard, but that's not a guarantee of social acceptance.

Or tolerance.

The Lee-Kirby Academy has all the best and worst of most modern boarding schools. The only real difference is that the students really can kill each other without leaving a mark.


[info]cityofcloudsmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

City of Clouds - Pan/Multi Fandom RPG


Current Landings/Fissures

Tortuga (POTC)


Mod Journal
RPG Comm
OOC Comm
Cloud Network
Cloud Comms




Wanted Characters/Fandoms

Player only
Contact List
Living Arrangements
You wake up alone, feeling dizzy and very cold.
Your initial thought is that you’re dead, freezing cold and surrounded by white wispy cloud, but something is wrong. Surely if you were in heaven you wouldn’t feel like your back was on fire where you’d hit the ground?

You rise shakily to your feet, willing the world to stop spinning and looking around you for something, anything to centre and locate yourself. Your eyes settle on a tower and you stumble towards it, willing your legs to work properly in the cold.

As you walk through the door of the tower block a bright faced blonde girl greets you and directs you to a postbox with your name on it. Inside is a phone, an earpiece, a keycard and a piece of paper. The piece of paper gives you a room number, instructions for the earpiece, including the spoken open broadcast code and instructions for the phone.
At the bottom are the words ‘Welcome to City of Cloud.’


‘City of Clouds’ is a panfandom game set in/on a partially sentient, large, floating city.

It is a points based game to encourage participation all round.

Upon arrival, each character find themselves in a random place, be it part of the main city structure or the surrounding grounds, but feel a ‘need’ to head towards one of the two central, looming apartment towers. There they meet Nephele - a blonde girl who acts at the receptionist for the towers - and receive their ‘welcome pack’.

The City is a mystery. The reason you are here and how you have been brought there are unknown but with the City floating high in the clouds, there’s no way of leaving.

.So, if this type of game appeals to you then please read the relevant information and join us!

If you have any questions feel free to contact us: cityofcloudsmods@gmail.com

GAME BEGINS FRIDAY 28th AUGUST Join today>>>>>

[info]amesoeurmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Two and a half years after the mishap in the Department of Mysteries the Amesoeur Project is still going strong. With Draco Malfoy overseeing that the disastrous effects of the potion have been diluted. At the first of the year he removed himself from the project, deeming it safe enough for any idiot to continue.

Some wonder if something happened to make Draco leave the project or if he was removing himself too soon. Though speculation runs high, testing and production has not come to a stop. On February 14th, 2004 the position was released to every certified Apothecary. With the Ministry’s promise to strictly regulate the brewing and distribution of the potion, a certain calm has fallen over the masses. With orders pouring in, many shops have struggled to keep the shelves stocked as romantics work toward getting their hands on the potion.

Are you one of them? Do you want to know? Do you think this is the help the Wizarding World needs to finally heal all those old wounds? Or do you think this will end up doing more harm than good?