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June 26th, 2013

[info]islandkeepers in [info]fantasy_rpgs

premise . faq . rules . island info . current cast . application
"The island brought us here.
This is no ordinary place, you've seen that, I know you have.
But the island chose you... It's destiny."
[info]islandkeepers . [info]island_main . [info]island_net . [info]island_ooc
The Island is a Panfandom RPG where multiple versions of characters are allowed.

[info]altermods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Kansas City, Missouri
Est. 1853
Population: 459,787

Imagine yourself in a world where people can do amazing things. Imagine a world where by just walking down the street, you could be face-to-face with someone who can lift something ten times their own weight, someone who can run at the speed of light, or someone who can fly.

Kansas City, MO sits at a confluence for the Missouri and Kansas Rivers. It is the 34th largest city in the US and is known for its fountains, its music, its art and —most importantly— its barbeque.

The mutated are simply ordinary people with extraordinary powers living all over the world. But Kansas City seems to have a higher concentration of them. Maybe it’s because it has that safe Midwest charm with all the thrill of the big city. Maybe its history of being one of the major battle grounds in the Civil War is appealing. Whatever it is, the concentration of powered people—as they preferred to be called—is much higher in KC than even New York or San Francisco. And, with a higher concentration comes an increased chance of behind-the-scenes drama. And boy does Kansas City have it.

Alter Egos is a game focusing on a town and its people, in a world where mutants have quietly existed since the dawn of mankind. Well...mostly quiet, anyways. As long as there have been comic books and people willing to write about them, heroes and villains have risen up. Where does your character fit in? Are they for mutants or against them? Good or evil? Or are they one of the folks who just doesn't care? Find out, and apply!

Rules F.A.Q Holds Apply
Cast Powers Wants Mod box