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October 17th, 2010

[info]justforeverme in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Who are we?

We are an original character supernatural game based in the very near future, in a world where the lines between 'normal' and everything else are fracturing all over the place. A world that seems to be pretty much falling apart and where everyone is having to adapt to stay alive.

The game focuses on certain areas around the world. These areas have been cut off from the world at large, but are connected to each other by a series of mystical doorways. Each area has it's own issues and problems to deal with - whether that be rampaging vampires, supernatural gang warfare, food shortages, or just learning to get on with life.

We have a friendly and welcoming game environment and player base and dynamic plots that range from the small, involving just a couple of players, to overarching game plots. A supportive mod team ensures that everyone gets as much as they can from the game itself.

We're also looking for new characters! Could you play one of them?

Who are you?

You are Noah St James. You're an eighteen year old musician from Marquette, Michigan. Last summer, your dreams came true and you and your high school band were signed to a small record label and moved to New York to work on an album. Well, you and two out of the three other band members moved - your best friend and lead guitarist, Thom Harkin stayed behind and left the band. Only you know why - Thom has a secret he cannot tell. He is a protector, sworn to protect your little sister, Kaysen, with his life. You know his secret, you know why he had to stay behind as you left the small town for the bright lights of Manhattan. Only then Manhattan got cut off and the world around you changed.

You are Devon and maybe you've been a hunter all your life. Or maybe not - your past is pretty much your own. One thing's for certain though, you can handle yourself. You're capable, and assured and maybe have a few tricks up your sleeve. Life lately hasn't been good to you though, because currently, you're missing. At least, you are according to your best friend Deacon, and according to the teenager you took under your wing a few months back, Rori. They're both looking for you and all they know is that you're alive. They'd really like to find you sometime soon.

You are Heidi Ramone. You're an air elemental, but life for you was fairly normal until you took that job after college working at the Stanley Hotel. And then suddenly there were ghosts, and the place got cut off and well, there's not a whole lot to do out there in the middle of nowhere. Of course, then that door in the ballroom appeared, and you found out you could visit other places - places all round the world. And damn, but you're a curious one...

You are Jen O'Reilly. Born and raised in Manchester, England, if you have any kind of a supernatural ability, you've never revealed it in public. You lead what seemed to be a perfectly normal life. You had your friends (even if one of them, Dean Conway moved away to Marquette, Michigan last summer. Things changed for you at New Year, when you and your boyfriend, Stuart (Stu) headed out into the city centre to celebrate and you've been trapped there ever since, in a town full of vampires. You've been fighting to stay alive. hell, as far as anyone knows, you didn't make it. So many people have been turned into vampires, after all. What does the future hold for you? And what does the future hold for your boyfriend?

You are Switchboard. The voice of Manhattan, the nerve center of it all. You are holding it all together, playing music, playing emergency call operator, you're the sense of humor that keeps people going, the woman with the power to touch lives. Touch everyone's lives, since everything happened. There's a bright side, damnit, and you find it. And when you do, you're going to share it. Light up the dark, fill those sound waves with your voice and music. Rock on, Manhattan. You'll be there to guide.

You are Maxine Bennet. Or maybe you are her husband, Brendan Bennet. Either way, you're trying to support your daughter, Roxie, who you adopted when she was 11 years old. It was only then that you discovered that she was a dreamwalker. Times have been interesting since then, and you've tried to support her. You've also tried to bring her up in the ways of your church - the Church of Harmony. you believe that all creatures, no matter what race, devotion, subset, or supernatural species or ability, deserve tolerance and peace. Unfortunately they don't all believe that in return.



[info]daboss in [info]fantasy_rpgs

welcome to harmony
A city of blue skies, good education, plentiful jobs. People are charming and courteous, crime is kept to a minimal. But lately, shadows lurk in every corner, and amongst whispers in the dark - or occasionally shouts - you hear of unrest and chaos.

Things are rotting, crime steadily increasing, mobs forming, and rival corporations are playing a massive game of chess in an attempt to seize control of whatever secrets they think the former town's ruler has left behind. And you, my dear citizen, are in the middle of all this.
why stay, you ask?
Harmony is more than a city. It grows, it breathes, it watches and waits. Located at a crossroad in the universe, it brims with magic, not always under control. Harmony tends out tendrils of suggestions to help the citizens tolerate the ocassional malfunction. After all, Harmony likes you, and wants you to stay.

Mod Journal + IC Journal + OOC Journal

Premise + Directory + Apply + Rules & FAQ + Wanted
Supplants + Injections

[info]fanglishmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


We speak your language...

Evergreen Peak is a resort city in the mountains of Colorado. To outside eyes the place is just another resort city with it's beautiful mountains and picturesque seasons, but not everything is as it seems. Evergreen Peak has secrets. It has drawn quite the supernatural crowd - the Were's like it because of the vast nature areas surrounding it, the Vampire's like it because winters are long and they have many places to set up home, and humans love it for the skiing, snowboarding and wilderness preserves it offers. The world has become acquainted with Vampires and Weres, but not everyone has quite gotten used to living with them as neighbors. Here the population has settled into an uneasy peace - the Vampires can be vicious, cruel creatures. The Weres can be unpredictable and territorial, and the humans are left in the middle. Not belonging to either group, but trying to find their own way in the world. It's life as you know it, spiced up with a dash of supernatural mayhem and fun.

You never know what's lurking around the corner...
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Application // About Evergreen Peak // MOD Journal// Race Information