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August 4th, 2010

[info]wolvverine in [info]fantasy_rpgs

I'm playing Logan (Wolverine) in an awesomely shiny AU game set in 2012! We want more

good players, well-rounded characters, strong writers!!
We already got a healthy cast of dynamic players, but we're greedy that way. XD

The setting? NOBODY had powers before the Great Solar Flare of Dec. 21, 2012 After the

Great Solar Flare creates mutants, the world panics. The Mutant Registration Act has just passed. The Mutant Cure has mutated into the deadly Legacy Virus, the Mutant Liberation Front has begun its terrorist activities and the whole world is holding its breath. Come see the teams, and figure out where you fit in! It's a really exciting time to be in the X-2012 world

What role would you play?

Full PREMISE here
See CAST here
See WANTED here
See FAQ here
Place HOLDS here
APPLY here

[info]quidditch_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to Quidditch Village....

Where Quidditch is all that matters and the teams of Hogwarts reunite....

Mod Journal Character List Rules FAQs Applications The Village Quidditch Schedule Taken PBs

[info]elena__gilbert in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Most Wanted: Bonnie, Matt, Annabelle, Pearl, Isobel, and OC villains!

Contact: AmazonessQueen16 on AIM for more information

[info]after_the_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

♠2021, Next Generation
♠Opens with the Quidditch World Cup
Still Seeking: 7th years, Longbottoms, Molly and Lucy Weasley, Louis Weasley, Fred and Roxanne Weasley, Muggleborns, Rose and Hugo Weasley, Lorcan Scamander

[info]uprisingmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

..welcome to the uprising..

It is the year 2000, the Wizarding World of Great Britain has been under the Dark Lord's rule for four years. The Golden-trio is no closer to solving the puzzle of victory than they were immediately following their beloved Headmaster's death. Muggleborns have been rounded up into camps or held in cells at Azkaban. Those under the spell of the Complacens potion remain content with the government, but there are those who are beginning to fight it. There are few that are beginning to build immunity to the potion and are assembling secretly underground.

Where will you be? Will you continue to live under the draconian rule of the Dark Lord?

Or will you be part of the Uprising?

Game opened on July 30, 2010. Most wanted characters by other players include: Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Charlie Weasley, Amycus Carrow, Fred and George Weasley, Draco Malfoy. Also looking for most canon characters and original characters, too!
World Info ;; Available Characters
Mod Journal ;; IC Journal ;; OOC Journal

[info]luella_kinear in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Just out of curiosity, would anyone be interested in a Robin Hood style game? Something more along the lines of the BBC version where Robin was more about helping people than getting the girl, and Marian had a backbone. I'm thinking about starting one up, but need to know there is interest first.

[info]avalonismods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to Avalonis, where superheroes and villains walk the streets and nothing is quite what it seems.

The city of Avalonis was once dubbed the superpowered capital of the world and even today the city is filled with people who can do the most extraordinary things. Some can move things with their mind, others can read them and then there are some who have no powers at all but insist on fighting for justice nonetheless. As when you have a city filled with heroes, villains will follow and now the city is host to some of the most spectacular and epic show downs the world has ever seen.

Beneath the shiny exterior of the city and the side that the tourists come to see in the hope of catching a glimpse of the city's famous heroes and villains is a layer of corruption. The Irish mob and Italian mafia control parts of the city, pushing prostitution and drugs onto the streets of Avalonis. If there's something you crave then there's always a way to get it, no matter how sordid your tastes.

There's a reason why the city needs heroes. Avalonis Police Department is rife with corruption. The internal struggle within the department is probably why they have yet to pay full attention to the recent disappearances of young superpowered individuals, but how long can these disappearances remain unnoticed and who knows more than they're letting on?

[info]wazzock in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Everyone makes mistakes when they're young
Some get high, some get pregnant. It's all about having fun because you could care less about anything but your future, and sometimes not even that. What really matters are the parties, the drama. Lord Voldewho? The Dark Lord and Death Eaters are all never spoken of, only visited by the youth of Hogwarts in their History of Magic textbooks.

WAZZOCK is a next-generation Harry Potter game. The game follows the sixth and seventh years attending Hogwarts during the 2022-2023 school year. We focus on character development and interaction. We'll have events, scene lotteries and OOC games. The goal is to just have fun!

Game opens August 6!