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July 12th, 2010

[info]to_be_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

To Be or Not to Be: a Harry Potter post-DH RPG.




Most Wanted
*Hermione Granger
*George Weasley
*Penelope Clearwater
*Blaise Zabini
*Neville Longbottom
*Luna Lovegood
To Be or Not to Be is a Deathly Hallows compliant Harry Potter RPG that picks up right where the books left off (pre-epilogue).

During the summer months, characters can help with the rebuilding of Hogwarts and generally get their lives back together. Come September, 7th and "8th" year students will return to Hogwarts but be housed off-grounds in Hogsmeade for maximum interaction potential. Several NEWTs options are available for 8th years.

We are 75% player modded, so we review applications, make plot decisions, brainstorm, and generally run the game as a group. If you are a player who enjoys really digging into a game and making it your own, this is the place for you!


[info]weboflies_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Wanted Characters ~ Student List ~ Cast List ~ Application ~ Rules

[info]furtheraway in [info]fantasy_rpgs

a next gen fairy tale experience


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away---oh wait, you've heard this one before? That's no surprise. We all grew up with fairy tales. And these stories of dastardly witches and wizards, of beautiful princes and princesses and crafty fairy folk are just that---stories. But what if they're not? What if, in an actual kingdom that was further away than you could ever imagine to get to, there were people living out the tales you heard every night before bed? And what if their mothers and fathers told stories of far off lands much like our own world? They probably wouldn't believe that this place exists, just as we couldn't fathom that there's a world where Cinderella really met her Prince Charming, and true love's kiss could really wake a sleeping beauty from a deathlike sleep.

But that place does exist. In a world parallel to ours, in a place that no magic but what we cast in our dreams could get us to, the characters of these fairy tales are real; living and breathing but slowly fading away. Yes, that world is waning and all because the one thing that fuels it and keeps its residents alive is in short supply. That one thing is belief. And as our belief in the magical fades away, so will all that is magical.

But there is hope. There is a family who, through ancient magic, has always been able to travel to and communicate with the other world. No one has ever been able to explain why the two sons of Grimm were connected to the land of fairy tales and enchantment. But it has been this way since before Jacob and Wilhelm began recording the stories of things they knew and heard from far far away. In their descendants, Rolf and Edwin Grimm, who have inherited this magnificent ability, lays the only hope for the people of the fairy tale world.

Even Further Away is a social, thread based rp game set at a fictional Grimm Academy where the children of popular fairy tale characters have come to live because their world is dying. Descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm have found a way, through limited magic, to bring the next generation [ie Snow White's children etc] to our world in order to save them from theirs. Because the land of fairy tales is so different from our own, a boarding academy has been founded by the brothers so that these children can smoothly transition, and learn about the ways of our world in order to survive in it. The game will center around the students, their lives at the academy, and their interactions with each other all pushed along by some zany subplot.

OPEN SINCE June 14th.

original table layout/coding by [info]chaperoned via [info]rp_tutorials

[info]quidditch_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to Quidditch Village....

Where Quidditch is all that matters and the teams of Hogwarts reunite....

Mod Journal Character List Rules FAQs Applications The Village Quidditch Schedule Taken PBs

WANTED: George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Harry Potter, Jack Sloper, Sally-Anne Perks, Oscar Summerby, Terry Boot, Cho Chang, Marcus Flint, Taylor Bole and Miles Bletchley!

[info]liberalis_ads in [info]fantasy_rpgs


A Post-Warts, Non Deathly Hallows Compliant Game

By the spring of 1999 the Trio had collected and destroyed all six of the Horcruxes and they set out to find the Dark Lord hoping to end it once and for all. At the climax of the duel, Harry gained the upper hand and Voldemort, knowing he had seconds left, used his last lifeline: a time turner. With the fall of their Lord, the Death Eaters abandoned the battle and it appeared to the wizarding world that their greatest enemy had been defeated. Unknown to them, the time turner had brought Voldemort into 2002 where he was already gathering his followers and one more Horcrux still remained. Voldemort had unknowingly created another when he had killed Harry's parents and attempted to kill Harry. The newly shattered part of his soul was transferred into the infant when the Dark Lord cast the killing curse.

The New Year of 2003 would be marked with tragedy. The Dark Lord would announce his return at the Ministry’s Annual New Year’s Ball where innocents were attacked and dozens were slaughtered. In the aftermath of the battle, accusatory eyes turned to the once celebrated hero; Harry Potter. Overnight the news spread and people began to feel again the terror that had yet to fade completely. Over the next few months the Ministry worked around the clock to assure the people that this time wouldn’t be like the last; this time they should place their trust with the government and not in the hands of an adolescent hero. The Ministry’s demeanor became one of confidence. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had struck out twice already and this time the situation would be handled properly. Voldemort had other plans.

On May 23rd the Ministry of Magic fell. Trust and security was shattered when Voldemort and his army entered the Ministry building, having been given access from within. Death Eaters and dark creatures alike swarmed through the structure, destroying everything in their path; among the dead was found every member of the Wizengamot including the Minister of Magic himself. Once and for all the Dark Lord proved what he was capable of.

With their Headquarters in ruins, the Ministry has been forced to relocate and is scrambling to come to terms with their losses and what it meant for the future. Wizarding Britain looks to the future with little hope while the Trio desperately search for the missing piece, knowing that if the Dark Lord had returned that their mission had not yet been completed. Another Horcrux must still be in existence and destroying it is the only way to ensure their liberation.

More information here.

Game Opens Friday, July 23rd

[info]mitochondrion in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Genome Project - An Original Character RPG

Mutated | Scientists | Town Info | Powers
Rules | Application | Premise | F.A.Q.
The year is 2030. The scientists have successfully kept their project a secret, hiding away in the bowels of Maine. They've censored, monitored, and all but controlled the mutated, posing as doctors, teachers, and trusted family members. Powers are starting to emerge and it's their job to test their limits. Conflict is rising in the souls of the sympathetic as a new government experiment appears on the island - one with an uncontrollable and deadly power. The experiments are far from over, but the danger is just beginning.

The Genome Project is a game focusing on original characters with super powers and the scientists that mutated them, with a few accidental killings thrown into the mix.

Open powers include: enhanced senses, water mimicry, technopathy, astral projection, terrakinesis and many more! We're always looking for new scientists, many children need their parents in game, and some scientists may have powers of their own. Check out our premade list for pre-established lines needed.
RPG Comm | Mod Journal | OOC Comm

[info]sdmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


The Twilight Saga; Eclipse
As the story goes Isabella Swan along with the Cullen children graduated from Forks High-School. After graduation they were faced with the return of Victoria, the bitch from hell, who (cliché as it was) had it out for Bella. The Cullens along with the La Push wolf pack joined forces in order to protect Bella and the towns people of Forks, Washington. Needless to say it worked, celebrating seemed like the best option and of course what better way then for Bella and Edward to jump on the band wagon and get hitched?

The Vampire Diaries

Elena Gilbert has fallen head over heels for the youngest Salvatore brother, Stefan who just so happens to be a bloody thirsty monster. Turns out Stefan has an older brother, Damon, who intends to make Stefan’s life a living hell. Along the way Elena’s two best friends discover themselves. Caroline Forbes becomes victim to Damon for a short while before the Salvatore brothers wipe her memory and thus she becomes happy with Matt Donovan, her childhood friend and Elena’s ex boyfriend. Bonnie Bennett slowly realizes that her ‘crazy ass’ grandmother was right all along about the ‘witchy’ background of the Bennett family. And to make things even better, Tyler Lockwood the school’s asshole jock, is a freaking werewolf! Oh did we forgot to mention how Elena is adopted, and her mother is a descendant of Katherine Pierce who just so happens to be Stefan and Damon’s sire? Oopsies.

Our Story
Pay close attention, for this is where things get sticky. Several aspects of our beloved stories are about to be changed, twisted to our own benefits. The entire Cullen family, are truly a family, not some sick twisted version of incest. I mean really, what family are brothers and sisters yet married to each other? Though the Cullens remain vampires, as Isabella Swan remains human just like Jacob and the rest of the La Push pack remain Werewolves or Shifters. Each Cullen member has yet to find their blood singer, their beloved. As for Vampire Diaries, well not much is changed. Katherine Pierce was always in the tomb, after all those years of searching, Damon truly has lost. When he threw the blood packet against the tomb’s wall, awakening the remaining vampires, they tore Katherine along with several other vampires apart in their blood lust.

Imagine a universe where Alice and Jasper never found each other in love but in family relation, where Bella and Edward never fell in love, where Jacob still has a chance. A world where Elena and Stefan aren’t meant to be, where Anna, Pearl and Harper are still alive and where vampires and Shifters/Werewolves get along.

Can’t? Well you better get used to the idea. We aren’t just another vampire roleplay, we don’t fucking sparkle and no we don’t have horrible allergic reactions to sliver and garlic.

Welcome To Sparkle Diaries.

Wanted Characters

Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Jasper Hale, Carlisle Cullen, Jacob Black, Billy Black, Jared, Paul, Sam Uley, Quil Atera, Embry Call, Leah ClearWater, Seth Clearwater, Charlie Swan etc, Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert etc, ORIGINAL CHARACTERS



[info]may_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


On May 02, 1998, a battle broke out at Hogwarts. The battle. Students, professors, creatures, The Order and Death Eaters alike fought hard for their beliefs. And then, Harry came forward, and history was made when he defeated Voldemort. Peace does not come easy though. There was a heavy price and they're only just beginning to pay it.

May 02 is a trio-era game set in the wake of the Final Battle. Picking up the day of and just after the ending of the final battle, we will follow our beloved characters as they grieve, fight and work to rebuild their lives, and attempt to find their place in the world as it stands now.

But it certainly won't come easy.

open as of may 02, 2010.

[info]prince_valerian in [info]fantasy_rpgs

More than just a university...

There's a supernatural world out there that some people just refuse to accept. So they segregate them, banish them to their own schools, churches, restaurants... But just like humans, they need an education.

Alden University accepts supernatural students of all kinds. And even though supernaturals aren't accepted in human schools, humans are accepted at Alden. Even at a discounted price. It is the hope of Alden's dean, Henry Alden, that co-mingling will bring about a brighter future.

But for now, students are thriving at Alden University. Are you brave enough to join them?