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February 25th, 2010

[info]separationmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

a harry potter post-hogwarts tng whodunnit social game.
OCTOBER 3RD, TWENTY TWENTY-SIX started off with a bang. Quite literally.

It was the earliest hour of the morning when an unidentified person sparked off a series of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes Fireworks just outside the Nott's family home. Party revellers and gate-crashers attending the extravagant engagement party for Helena Chambers and Henry Nott did not register anything amiss, assuming the loud noises and festive light display was merely part of the celebration.

Until Caroline Pucey was found dead three hours later.
premiserulesavailable/takenparents listapplicationf.a.q.

[info]lh_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Leaf House

premise   ~   setting   ~   rules
taken/wanted/held   ~   application
cast members   ~   faq
mod journal   ~   ooc journal   ~   ic journal

Dear Fantasy Isle Applicant,

Congratulations! After much deliberation and over one million applications, we here at Fantasy Isle have been chosen you to take part in our brand new reality show! Fabulous nights in hot tubs with the hottie of your choice and sleeping until noon on camera with your thong showing. It's going to be televised live 24 hours a day on its own channel. It's going to be streaming live on the web. It's going to make you famous. So pack your bags and head on down to the Leaf House -- your home for the next six months.


Sonia Shine
Host of Fantasy Isle

PS: Don't forget your survival gear
xoxo, Lyman
Unofficial Horror Master

Leaf House is a horror survival game where 8 characters start as the cast members of a reality show gone terror-rific. They'll find themselves in a structure with seemingly endless numbers of floors and every horror imaginable.

[info]astorians in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Astoria, Oregon
Population 2,213. It is the number one cloudiest city in the United States. The city has a total area of 10.6 square mile radius. It's coastline borders the ocean. It has beaches, boardwalks, ports and at one point in history was one of the most popular spots for people who made their living off of fishing and whaling. The town is surrounded by vast amounts of trees, competing with towns in Washington and California as the logging capital of the country. Hunting is also a popular passtime, since there are many rivers that run through Astoria's dense forests. At first glance, this town seems like you're average no-wheres-ville, but if you look closer you'll find it has many secrets and legends. The most popular of these legends is a Native American tribe that supposedly can take form of the wolf and an opposing clan of "cold ones" forbidden to hunt and live on their land. This game revolves around this Native American legend, Astoria's high school students, college students, and their families.
the secrets that lie within

mod journal // around astoria // races // clans and tribes // abilities // rules // held

Opening March 2, 2010!

[info]justforeverme in [info]fantasy_rpgs


the end is the beginning is the end

The world that we once knew is gone, swept away, irrevocably changed. The things we all thought were horror movies and fairy stories are real, and they are among us. And not all of them are friendly.

The end of the world is nigh. Or is it? Maybe this is just the beginning of a new chapter. The only way to find out is to live it. Fight for it.

Are you ready for the end?


[info]recounting in [info]fantasy_rpgs

recounting (the moderators)

MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Ted Tonks, & much, much more.

[info]bookishbeth in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Camp Half-Blood


Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire, the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath.
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.

It's been two years since the latest Great Prophecy was given by the newly appointed Oracle of Delphi and since then, Percy Jackson and his friends have kept busy. Grover Underwood and the other Satyr seekers have discovered and safely transported countless new demigod children to Camp Half-Blood; Annabeth Chase has overseen the reconstruction of Olympus and many of the new cabins for minor gods at Camp; and Percy has stayed on as a Camp counselor in between quests to slay monsters and protect the world.

But in just two short years, it would appear the Greek gods have forgotten the oaths they swore to Percy on the River Styx: some Campers have reached their thirteenth birthdays without being claimed by their god-parents. Even more troubling still, Percy and several other demigod heroes have encountered strange monsters, unlike anything in the Greek myths, in their travels and adventures. And while Apollo and Camp directors Chiron and Dionysus assure the young demigods that the latest Great Prophecy could take a generations to unfold, something is clearly stirring in the world of myth and magic-- something that could prove to disturb the peace among the gods and threaten the world once more.

CAMP HALF-BLOOD is a Percy Jackson & The Olympians game that takes place after the events of The Last Olympian. You do not need to have read the series to apply as we accept both canon and original characters (but gameplay will reveal spoilers for those who have not read the books). Please check out our Taken/Holds/Available page!


[info]shatteredmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Prophet Headlines say it all.

* Mass paranoia as Azkaban escapee, Bellatrix Lestrange is spotted across the British Isles
* Twelve Muggles Dead in Ottery St. Catchpole, Aurors claim by magical means
* Alecto Carrow, Fenrir Greyback Escape Azkaban, Minister rushes to reassure citizens
* Suspected Death Eater, Adrian Pucey, Will Run for M.Of M.
* Hogwarts student kidnapped and murdered. Laura Madley, 16, found outside of Hogsmeade

Muggles terrorized. People disappearing. It is all strangely reminiscent of the past and panic is returning to Wizarding Britain. Witches and Wizards want to know; Is Voldemort really dead? Why is the Ministry avoiding answering certain questions? How many former Death Eaters are still at large and what is the Order doing to deal with the problem?

Shattered is a post-war, AU roleplay where we are exploring the months after the fall of Voldemort. Hogwarts has reopened to mixed houses and tensions are building. Come and play a Death Eater, an Order member, or any 7th or 8th year student with us and explore what happens before the epilogue. .