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February 25th, 2009

[info]darkanonymity in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Wings of Colour!

One of the smallest of the island regions, Shiko offers a breathtaking diversity of scenery. North of the island is an inland sea with tiny islands, rich fisheries, and a coastline of citrus orchards. To the south lies the mighty ocean. Shiko's terrain includes high mountains, crystal clear rivers, windswept capes and ocean whirlpools. Mt. Ossia, located in northwestern Shiko, is the island's tallest peak at 1,982 m (6,499 ft).

This is an OC-only Pokemon RPG. There's no fighting over canon characters, and no conflicts with their characterization.

We’re always open to new members, so if you wish to discuss anything, from application to reservation, please send a message to the mods and visit our OOC community.



[info]isles_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Fortunate Isles




Available Characters
Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button
Imagine a place where Blackbeard the Pirate and King Henry the VIII have weekly games of poker, where the fates and furies walk among the everyday citizen, where wizards are gods and no one is what they seem, even your best friend.

Welcome to the Fortunate Isles. Long before wizards, emperors, kings, and warriors walked the earth the gods and the fates did. But like all species the gods died out and were replaced or forgotten in favour of new trends and ideals, but the fates are forever. The fates have stood by patiently and watched humans evolve through the centuries, looking for the perfect species for their experiment and in their search they came across wizards. Human but not quite human at the same time; with the abilities to do pretty much anything with their minds the Fates have decided that they will be perfect for the Fortunate Isles, their private get away where gods, and furies, Valkyries and pirates, kings and emperors alike walk once more, their personalities transplanted into the bodies of wizards. Upon death witches and wizards will enter the Fortunate Isles where nothing will ever be the same for them again.

With all of their memories from life still in tact the witches and wizards of past must now figure out how to live with new personalities and accept the fact that not everyone can be a god and everything you once knew, is no longer the same.

GAME BEGINS MARCH 1st!. Join today>>>>>

[info]vox_obscurum in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It all began with a strange sentient planet that had gotten lonely, and had begun to kidnap people from all times and places to keep itself company. To entertain it's 'guests', it created a world that, every so often, shifted, but always looked like some sort of resort on earth. In a rare moment of weakness, the King of the Goblins and Ruler of the Underground, Jareth, was taken unawares and brought to the Planet. What followed was an inevitable clash of egos as the powerful fae creature fought with the strange sentient planet. The battle was fierce, and the fallout completely unpredictable.

In the end, a new dimension was created, somewhere between Jareth's old home and the dimension occupied by the sentient planet. In this new land, Jareth appears to reign surpreme. But can anyone truly rule in a world that was created in such a bizarre and tumultuous way? A few people had been brought along with him in the creation of the new realm, but Jareth decided that anything the Planet could do, he could do better. With that in mind, he began to bring in people from all places and times. Very soon, those who had been brought with him would have company...



About the Game
Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Slash/Smut Friendly

[info]aylaranzz in [info]fantasy_rpgs


A Panfandom RPG

On an island somewhere in the Bermuda triangle, you wake up. Confused, you see a notebook and luggage. Questions run through your mind rapidly. Where are you? How did you get here? Why are you here? Who did this to you? And most importantly...

Where do you go from here?



If you need to contact a mod, feel free to email us at triangleinitiative@gmail.com. You may also IM us on AIM:
Arielle: Aylaranzz
Christina: defy0rdinary (the o is a zero)

[info]peskyalice in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Darkness Rising

Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Darkness Rising RPG Community

"….Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing … The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere … panic … confusion …"

Across Europe the Wizarding Community lies in fear. Voldemort and his followers are on the rise, leaving behind a reign of terror in their wake. As his numbers increase, Wizards begins to grow more uneasy, increasingly choosing to fall prey to his Empire, out of fear, unwilling to stand up and fight.

In spite of the increasing danger, a small group of vigilante Wizards has begun to pull ranks, daring to do what the Ministry fears to do; fight. The Order of the Phoenix is slowly growing into a force to be reckoned with, threatening not only Voldemort, but the Ministry itself.

Change is on the brink and the students of Hogwarts. No longer will they be safe behind the confines of the castle, unaware to the real dangers of the world. They will soon be forced to make their own loyalties known; a decision that will affect not only the rest of their lives, but the entire Wizarding World.

Amongst the darkness, these students are potentially the light needed to give the Order the man power to take on Voldemort’s forces. As both sides fight to gain support, one question lies: which side do you choose?

Darkness Rising is a canon compliant Marauders Era RPG taking place in 1978. Game opened February 1, 2009.

Most Wanted: Sirius Black, Edgar Bones, Amycus Carrow, Barty Crouch Jr., Lily Evans (RECASTING), Rodolphus Lestrange, Augusta Longbottom, Xenophilius Lovegood, Peter Pettigrew, Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett, James Potter, Evan Rosier, Thorfinn Rowle, Ted Tonks, Sybill Trelawney, and many others!