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Fortunate Isles OOC

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[25 Nov 2009|12:39pm]
Hi guys just a heads up. Lauren's internet is dead. She should be getting it back on Friday though.
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[23 Nov 2009|12:30am]

Meet Cassiopeia Violetta Black, sister of Pollux and Marius, notorious socialite and troublemaker. She was married four times, widowed four times, and died of a heart attack while having sex with her MUCH younger lover. She needs plot. She's looking to cause trouble.
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[12 Nov 2009|02:27am]

Alright so I've seen this done in other games of mine and I thought that we would give it a whirl. Its purely for fun but once you get started its really kind of hard to stop. So without further ado...

RP Post Secret. )
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[23 Oct 2009|05:36am]

[ mood | amused ]

This is what happens when I'm bored, I can't sleep, reading is doing squat for me and there is no one on line. )
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[17 Oct 2009|04:41pm]
So, Alex here with Oceane Lestrange, second oldest child of the Lestrange Siblings.

- She is shy, vain and prejudiced
- She adores her family
- She's a lesbian but only her girlfriend of thirty years knows. She died a few years ago
- She spent most of her life wandering the globe but spent a couple of months each year at home with her family
- She graduated from Slytherin in 1928
- She likes family, friends, wine, music, darkness, night time, ballroom dancing, being alone
- Her historical figure is Marie Antoinett
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[17 Oct 2009|12:20am]

Meet Morag Warrington nee MacDougal, former head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, one of the last of the pureblood Scottish witches and too smart for her own good. She was married to Chance Warrington and he was the love of her life... but there were problems.

All shall be revealed.
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[03 Oct 2009|07:08pm]

Ok so Nikki conned talked me into bringing in another kidlet. So I bring you Hesper Black. She has the real Black out look on life. She is very good at appearance and even better at her hexes, jinxes and brewing poisions. She often tested them out on the little muggle children around town or the house elves. Her husband wasn't always thrilled about the house elf testing, said he hated having to procure more and then she was forced to train them. Her information is open which is always good. So another Black, awesome. Hit me up with anything!

Also, Cissa, Cassie, Helga and Hermione need threads! Interaction is love!
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[29 Sep 2009|05:24pm]

So... I tried to put this off as long as possible but.

Who do you guys want in game?
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[28 Sep 2009|11:53pm]

Ok, Maybe I am the only one here that is confused but if not then I hope this helps! WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS COMM?! The last mod post mentioned the island coming back and now I am reading massive drama about a baby being snatched? I am sooooo confused. So can a modly one fill me (possibly us) in please? THANKS! =)
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[13 Sep 2009|01:20pm]

Howdy all! Tis Mike and I bring you the dashing Viktor Krum... trailed by William Wallace.

I'm up for plottage of all kinds!
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[13 Sep 2009|11:25am]

This is Sabine Lestrange. She's the older sister of Sebastian, (and because all pureblood families are related) the great aunt of Pansy by marriage. Her husband William was insane and killed her. She's kinda afraid he might show up. She was a tomboy and loved the outdoors.

Questions? Plottage?
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[11 Sep 2009|03:52pm]

Modly ones, I don't seem to be apart of the game comm. I've requested to join it though :)
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[10 Sep 2009|02:55pm]

Hi guys! Alex back with Marcus Flint... cause Lauren made me :P Anyway my excuse for his absence is a bad Quidditch accident. As far as he's concerned though no time has passed between him falling and now. He'll be in for a big shock...
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[09 Sep 2009|09:57pm]

Lauren here with Pansy Parkinson. I took some liberties with Pansy and her backstory, and while she has been here before she has no idea about any of it. As far as she knows, she died two days before her wedding to Viktor Krum, and isn't too happy about it.

So, friends, backstories, plots?
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[11 Aug 2009|03:59pm]

Just so you guys know I'm having computer troubles for the past few days. Hopefully shall be resolved within a day or so but that's why I've been MIA. I'll catch up on everything once I get a working computer again.

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Greetings! [05 Aug 2009|07:27pm]

Hello ya'll!

I'm Shawn and I'm bringing you Miss Emmeline Vance - Order member, arthimancer, horse woman.  Her character sheet is at   She's been plopped down on Annwn and I'm looking forward to seeing what trouble she can get into.  

I'm about most evenings and on the weekends on Y!M as ladysailorvulcan and can get on AIM at rpgladyv if you need me there.  Feel free to jump on me when the notion strikes.

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[28 Jul 2009|12:02pm]

So guys.... I'm having problem after problem with my computer at the moment so I'll be on a slight hiatus. I'll get to replies though when I can

1. My internet is still being shitty and I can't access it from my bedroom, only outside my parents room. So not fun

2. I had to get a new charger cause my old one broke..... new charger works just when it's charging I can't use the mouse. Don't ask, please.

3. UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE- enough said.

4. Plus I've started back up at work now (yay!) so that will be cutting into my spare time a bit too.


Alex (and her mountain of kidlets :P)
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[24 Jul 2009|03:32pm]

Hi guys, just a heads up I'm having internet problems at the moment which is a bummer. Hopefully it will settle down soon and not keep disconnecting but until it does I might be here and then suddenly not. Sorry guys!
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[13 Jul 2009|09:43pm]

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE. I'M OUT OF THE CAST (but still in a splint) but that means I can type properly now so expect me to be more active. So anyone want to plot with my babies?

Alex (Minerva, Susan, Severus, Charlie, Marcus, Helena)
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Sad Day! [30 Jun 2009|05:40am]

It's Z, player of Albus, Charlus, Irma, Regulus (the older one), and James.

Just letting you all know that after some thought, I've decided it's best for me to leave the game. For those of you I've played with, it's been a pleasure, and you all know where and how to find me.

For the rest of you, good luck with your future pursuits, and I hope you all have a blast ♥

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