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February 19th, 2009

[info]oblivionmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

On December 26th, 2009, the cruise ship Nausicaä set sail from Miami to Bermuda on her maiden voyage.

In the months beforehand, 100 lucky people from all over the world won themselves a ticket with a budding cruise line, Odyssey Lines. Some entered themselves, some didn't - though it was explained that a friend, family, or co-worker anonymously submitted their name in a contest. To all winners, it seemed like a dream come true. An all-expenses paid New Years celebration in paradise. Plane tickets to Miami, and home from Bermuda were included.

The Nausicaä was set to arrive in Bermuda on January 4th, 2010. That never happened.

On New Years Eve, a terrible storm hit them at sea, pushing them off-course and sending them deeper into the Bermuda Triangle. All outside communication with the world was lost. Satelite devises, such as tracking, died. Compasses began to spin. Cell phones stopped working. They were lost at sea.

On January 2nd, the Nausicaä turned what was presumably East, knowing that eventually they'd hit something. This, too, never happened. Though direction was never altered, the sun rose and set in a new position every day.

Crew started disappearing. The captain kills himself. The Nausicaä is lost in the Bermuda Triangle, its passengers left to fend for themselves.

Will you survive?

Oblivion is a brand new, original-character game just opened on January 2nd. We have friendly, experienced mods, and an ever-growing player base happy to plot! Don't miss your chance to be there from the beginning!

Rules | FAQs | About the Ship | Application | Format | Characters | Wanted

[info]oblivionrp | [info]oblivionmods | [info]oblivionooc

[info]twisted_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]ex_omegas314 in [info]fantasy_rpgs


One day in 2003 all mutant powers ceased to exist, mutants ceased to exist. Six years go by with no answers and relative peace. Then as quickly as they left, the powers started to return, without warning, and without sufficient control. The X-men, long since disbanded are being called back by it's leaders Emma Frost and Scott Summers. The general populace hasn't caught on just yet, but the X-men have bigger problems. Their powers are back and out of control, and no one knows why.

Omegas is an X-men rpg based loosely on the House of M and Decimation storyline. Play as your favorite X-man as they re-learn how to control their powers and get to the bottom of just who or what has tried to get rid of mutant kind.

Currently at play: Phase One: Powers Apply Now.


[info]oncearangermod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


As an evil unlike any other rises to destroy the earth, every generation of Rangers must stand together and fight as one. Will the Rangers be able to come together and figth together as one big team? Find out in Once A Ranger!



The Game // OOC // Awards

[info]britannia_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

BRITANNIA: present-day Arthurian roleplay


Britannia, NY.

Located in the western part of the state, this mid-sized town has mostly failed to live up to its grandiose name. It's big enough that no one knows everyone else, small enough that a new face is noticeable. The leaves are lovely in the fall, tourists stop through with reasonable regularity, and nothing much ever changes.

Or didn't.

Some of the townspeople have dreams. Recurring dreams about blood, and horses, and steel. About silken gowns, and hawking, and high spires. About loyalties and rivalries long faded into legend.

Most of them have shrugged the dreams off. They're only dreams. But things are beginning to change after all.


Britannia, NY is a brand-new Arthurian game set in the present day. Arthur has returned, but so has his sister-enemy, Morgan. Characters will have to come to grips with past life memories, choose a side, forge alliances -- and hope to prevail.

Applications are now being accepted for Bedivere, Gareth, Isolde, Lancelot, Lynette, Morgause, Nimue, Tristan, and hundreds of others. Check out [info]britannia_mod for more information, or use these links:


[info]newage_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Rules Application Taken/Held

It's the year 2109 and one hundred years has past since Bella and Edward tied the knot and a lot has changed. Jacob and Nessie moved to Juno to live together and for Nessie to go to school. Bella and Edward went to live with the African tribe for a while. Esme, Carlisle, Alice and Jasper went to stay with Tanya’s coven while Rosalie and Emmet went to Europe on their own adventure.

Longing for each others companionship once more they return to Forks to their home to hopefully live in peace for a few years but that is shattered once Rose and Emmet return with a redhaired child who could not be more then ten. Her name is Arial and she was sired by Rosalie.

How long until the new pups arrive to threaten the treaty? How long until the Volturi come in to break up their happy little coven?

WANTED: Werewolves, Carlisle, Esme, ect.

[info]starpieces in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Sons of Cain RPG

Sons of Cain|OOC|Mod Journal

Premise | Application
Character List | Wanted & Held | Location Info|Premise
A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2033. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.

[info]nextx in [info]fantasy_rpgs

NEXT X! (next gen x-men)

[info]nextx @ [info]nextxplayground

game guidelines!
taken pbs.

game details!
pairings list.
character list/holds
cast page.
player information.

With tolerance for mutants, and response time of police officials to city issues cut in half, the X-Men and other super humans became obsolete. By this time, a safe haven was something of an old civil rights tale, and the Xavier mansion as we know it was transformed into a full fledged museum. The Manor, previously used to house and train mutants, now is one of the top twenty must see places in the upper east coast. The X-Men slipped out of the limelight, in order to attempt normal lives and making families. Some settled down in the city of New York, being offered housing for virtually free from the president, for their protection and serving to the United States for decades. Some took other locations, with their primary goal to separate their past life with their new one.

The X-Men are something of old Hollywood celebrities, 25 years later. Their children, receiving somewhat of the same treatment critics in Gossip magazines give, much like the stars to today's Gossip Girls, or even casts of famous movies. Some have embraced this born into instant stardom thing, others have found themselves commodities for obsessed X-Men fans, to something that their parents were involved in years and years prior. The Xavier dream is for the most part, very much accomplished, and the general population of mutants live in peace. The invention of a maximum security prison outside of the city, keeps those whom oppose this ideal pursuit for happiness. Many super villains reside in this prison, known to the public as Crossmore. Those who don't mind the merge, live and cope as well. Villainous activity merely being a figment in their past as well.

Mutants are a fact in every day life, now accompanying over 78% of the population. They are no longer feared, and instead accepted as a normality. (read the rest of our premise for the full details!)
wanted vivien beaubier, sean madrox-rourke, aleksander rasputin, harley collins, elle frost, henri ford, rochelle darkholme, julien starsmore, victoria summers, liberty atkins, paxton guthrie, sahar al-bin'rad, alexis keller, elizabeth howlett, camilla richter, etienne lebeau, jonas wagner, sorin maximoff... and many more to claim!

other information Game set 25 years in the future (from 2005) -- 2030. Unique, different premise. The only thing we have done, is set realistic pairings (which really, had to be done), and offer first names. Aren't you tired of seeing games where Emma has 5 kids with three different baby daddies!? Everything is up to what you feel! Their first names can be negotiable, yet everything else (their personality, history, etc.) is all up for you to decide! Have fun with this! Haven't you at one time wondered how their children would have been? We offer Original Characters (no x-men-related parents) as well. 76 available character combinations. Should be a fun time. Come on down, the price is right! :)


[info]popsickles in [info]fantasy_rpgs

talesfamiliesclubsout of character
They never meant for it to happen as they sat around the book of tales. All they wanted was for the stories to tell themselves. Four young students sat around the book experimenting with spells and taking notes. After trying for what seems like hours one of the four gave her final attempt.

And that is when it happened. There was a resounding boom throughout the castle. There was an explosion of light and the pages flew through the room. Once the shaking stopped the girls gathered their things and made it back to their rooms before anyone noticed. After continuing the next few days as normal they decided the spell had backfired.

But they couldn't be more wrong.

The spirits of tales have taken over the students at Hogwarts. Strange things are happening and no one knows why. Some tales have managed to find students with a likeness to their characters; others weren't so fortunate

[info]advertisemyrp in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Pentamerone - Fairy tales and folklore RP on Inksome!

What happens after Happily Ever After?

Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. It looks idyllic, peaceful, welcoming. But only one thing's certain:

Once you cross its borders,
you can never return home again.

Game Info // Characters Wanted
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

[info]dcmamod in [info]fantasy_rpgs



What would happen if all of the heroes in the world had to work together for one goal? Could everyone put their egos aside and create one team of heroes to protect humanity? Well now is the time to find out. When Senator Kelly was killed by Magneto Bolivar Trask decided that he was right about the mutants; they needed to be controlled. He created his robots known as the sentinels, but in the end he couldn't control them and now they have taken over. Mastermold has even taken it a step further; anyone who isn't the idea human is carted off with the mutants as well and put into camps where they can be controlled and monitored. There is only one place where all mutants and unique humans can be safe; Charles Xavier and Bruce Wayne have teamed up to create an underground city where the civilians can be safe while the war for freedom is raged. The city is located under Wayne Manor, and there is an underground connection from Wayne Manor to the X-Mansion which is where command central is for the war. No one ever comes in either of the two buildings because there are rumors that have been purposely spread that the two places are haunted to keep innocent people from stumbling on them and getting hurt by the defense systems.

There is the outright soldiers for the war and then there is the two undercover teams who are trying to sneak into as many camps as they can and liberate mutants and civilians. Who will you stand with? Will you stand up for freedom or sell out your own kind and join the sentinels' mutant raiding parties? You decide!

[info]ignesco in [info]fantasy_rpgs

a zombie rpg

rules : dropbox : premades : held & taken : application

Live On follows a group of survivors during a zombie apocalypse, doing what they can to survive while dealing with their own interpersonal conflicts. Manufactured by unknown means to the public, they came out of nowhere, infecting and eating everything -- everyone -- in sight. It wasn't long before communication with one city was lost, followed by another and another in a fast-spreding epidemic. Those left behind, left alive, have banded together, sticking to rooftops and making use of their own skills to survive. From those simply caught in the madness by no choice of their own to those responsible for such a catastrophe, they all have to overcome their differences if they hope to keep on their toes and escape the zombie horde.

[info]sentry to join

[info]vox_obscurum in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It all began with a strange sentient planet that had gotten lonely, and had begun to kidnap people from all times and places to keep itself company. To entertain it's 'guests', it created a world that, every so often, shifted, but always looked like some sort of resort on earth. In a rare moment of weakness, the King of the Goblins and Ruler of the Underground, Jareth, was taken unawares and brought to Mirage. What followed was an inevitable clash of egos as the powerful fae creature fought with the strange sentient planet. The battle was fierce, and the fallout completely unpredictable.

In the end, a new dimension was created, somewhere between Jareth's old home and the dimension occupied by the sentient planet. In this new land, Jareth appears to reign surpreme. But can anyone truly rule in a world that was created in such a bizarre and tumultuous way? A few people had been brought along with him in the creation of the new realm, but Jareth decided that anything the Planet could do, he could do better. With that in mind, he began to bring in people from all places and times. Very soon, those who had been brought with him would have company...



About the Game
Game Rating: NC-17
Age Limits: 17+
Slash/Smut Friendly

[info]you_blinked_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It starts with one letter, that appears out of nowhere.

Don't open it!

Don't read it!

The letter is filled with a dark magic, no one know where it came from, but once you read the letter and blink, you are transported to a mystifying island amongst strangers .

So don't blink!

If you blinked, check out [info]you_blinked - a multi-fandom rpg game

Drop Box - Premises - Rules - Application - Location - Wanted/Held Characters - Taken Characters - PB List