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December 9th, 2007

[info]darkest_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


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The Premise
From the ashes of war, a new magical Britain is thriving under the careful and sure hand of Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt. Voldemort has been defeated, his power shattered and his followers driven underground. Once more, "The Boy Who Lived" vanquished the Dark Lord, casting the final spell that destroyed his evil powers for good. Yet, in all things there is a price to be paid - sometimes known, sometimes left unsaid.

Not since the end of the Muggle World War II has the magical world felt such tranquility. Of late, however, strange things have come to pass. Most claim it is only jumping at shadows and others claim it is the Dark Lord issuing his power from beyond the grave. The Ministry is not saying much, though there are groups within who are preparing - for what they do not know, but they intend on being ready.

The wizarding world may soon be in need of those willing to take a stand for what is right. Will it be you? Or maybe you linger among the dark, waiting for your chance to rise to power - perhaps now is that time. The only question left to you is.....

What will your part be in the wizarding world's Darkest Hour?.
The Game
Darkest Hour RPG is a role-playing game based on the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The setting takes place nine years after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ends and does not include the Epilogue.

Nearly a year in the making by Game Masters who have combined RPG experience that exceeds 20 years, Darkest Hour has an underlying gaming structure that makes it unique from any other HP text-based game out there.

We are looking for highly creative and dedicated players who want to build a story filled with excitement, fantasy, romance and intrigue. All levels of players are welcome, from those who have never played an RPG before, to those who have played for several years. This could be the game for you!

Must be 18 years of age or older to apply.

Game officially commences January 1, 2008.

Applications will be accepted beginning December 14, 2007.
The Mechanics

[info]darkesthour_rpg | [info]darkesthour_ooc | [info]darkestpensieve | [info]darkestwatchers


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