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December 8th, 2007

[info]modlies in [info]fantasy_rpgs

It’s almost 1999 and Voldemort is no longer a threat to the Wizarding World. Everyone that was a part of the Great Battle of Hogwarts watched as Harry and Lord Voldemort battled to the death. We all know how Harry used the infamous Expelliarmus spell to rebound the killing curse upon Voldemort. Everyone cheered as they watched Voldemort die by the spell intended for Harry. Nobody longer feared the man whose name they used to be afraid to speak. After celebrating their new freedom, the Wizarding World learned that the only thing they had left to do was rebuild their society to new standards.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was appointed the position of Minister of Magic. He, along with other Order members, sought out to remove all the corrupted employees at the Ministry. The Ministry is under construction with Shacklebolt leaving no room for question on who is working for the good of the Wizarding community. Azkaban is no longer seeking the use of dementors, but is instead using other means to guard the prison walls. The ministry is still working on trying to find Voldemort’s followers, although some have already been captured. The latest news in the Ministry has a plan to rewrite many of the Wizarding Laws to attempt to never fail the Wizarding community again.

The Wizarding World is healing from Voldemort's small reign. The loss of loved ones and friends comes as a harsh reality everyday, but the move to a brighter future provides strength. Hogwarts was rebuilt and restored in time for the students to return for classes on September 1st. There was a remembrance ceremony held during the first day back to promote closure and healing.

Many of the Death Eaters are in hiding, many are dead, many more are in Azkaban, and the rest are denying their involvement with Voldemort. What no one knows is that many years ago, Barty Crouch, Jr. didn’t die from the Dementor's Kiss, instead he evaded death. The dementors were already working both sides. The only person that knew that Barty was still alive was Voldemort and Bellatrix. Voldemort even though he didn’t show it, prepared for death at the Great Battle of Hogwarts. He left strict instructions for Barty to come to his grave with certain materials seven months after he was believed to be dead. There would be a second resurrection in store. What will happen when Voldemort returns to face everyone that believed him to be dead? Will others escape death as well? And what will happen when Voldemort and Harry meet again?

This is a dark game, with dark themes. Anything could happen. Anyone could die and the final outcome depends on all who are involved.

Accepting Applications

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[info]thine_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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The year is 1977. The Marauders, about to start their seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, are forced to sit idly by with the other students as the Wizarding world is immersed in darkness; lengthening shadows disrupting the lives of everyone they touch.

A deeper division is building between Muggles and Wizards with reasoning that holds little merit. Without the implications of magic, there are few differences between the two worlds, though not all share that perspective. A life is still built of family and friends, of love and loss, of heartbreak and heartache, of patience and growth... And death is still often proceeded by anger, distrust, and discrimination. The reality is, you are never safe, neither Muggle nor Wizard.

Dark times lie ahead and both worlds are growing darker with every passing breath. Evil continues to rise from the underground. Good still holds strong with hope. The Muggle world is at a loss and the Wizarding world only has but a glimpse of the horrors in store. And while the Wizarding world is hanging on by a thread, hearts still grow heavy, love still brings pain, friendships still bring foundation, souls still meet on distant planes, and all must meet with the future that is quickly becoming the present.

The Fates hold no favourites in this tale and everyone's lives and loves hang in the balance. The choice between good and evil isn't always easy, but darkness holds no shades of gray. Everyone must fight for what they believe in, even if the ones they care about are on the opposite side.

As the darkest cloud passed over your head, what side will you choose?

[info]shortlifemerry1 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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Hillsmay Hospital for the Mentally Unsound

Hillsmay Hospital has stood on it's sometimes sunny, mostly shaded hill for many many years. It's marble and limestone walls have long cracked and stained, vines have long since taken over the outside walls. Yellow window panes have broken, doors long since boarded up. The trees surrounding the grounds are dead, gnarled, near the if years of living by this place, watching it's horrors, they absorbed the bad, and never recovered.

Dr. Daemon Dante was the head of the institution. It was said student doctors were sent to Hillsmay, to see if they could..survive a similar world. Many left the practice after their first two weeks. Not Daemon. He bloomed at Hillsmay...he developed treatments unknown outside of that place, methods beyond imagination. It overcame him. And the hospital.

Hillsmay Hospital has been closed for fifty-seven was said to have held the worst of it's kind so long ago.

It's re-opened now.

And the Doctor is In.

Welcome to Hillsmay Hospital. This is a Multi-Fandom RPG, meaning anyone from any fandom(original Characters accepted) may join this RP. [info]hillsmay__


Looking for players, and looking for a fellow Mod. PLEASE SIGN UP!

AIM: Sultana Nova

Please go here for Rules and FAQ.

Please go here to Apply for a Character. Read the Rules first.

[info]thealethiometer in [info]fantasy_rpgs

His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass

Subtle Magic

From the magnificently creative mind of Philip Pullman, the moderators of Subtle Magic bring this collaborative game to the realm of roleplaying. Each characters, whether canon or original, follow the path perfectly paved by The Golden Compass, The Subtle King and The Amber Spyglass. Upon imagining a different dimension, players stumble upon a unique translation of Pullman's London. Here journals are written by daemons, allowing other manifested-souls in the personality of an animal to converse. Their human counterparts are not forgotten, for they are each alloted private journals. Here Lyra undertakes the journey set by her curiousity. The Armored Bears plunge through barricades without a second's hesitation. Even lies, secrets held for thirteen years are finally unmasked...

Requesting: Lord Asriel, Roger Parslow, Billy Casta, Lord Boreal, Master of Jordan, John Faa, any gyptians / scholars / London socialities

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