July 14th, 2007

[info]stevie_andy in [info]fanficrants

Unprofessional and plain wrong

Okay, I've got to admit this, I've been less than a lurker of fanficrants here or on LJ and only hear a few from the community on LJ. I guess I kinda like the drama llama-rama stuff to keep myself entertained.

Until tonight. In the six years of being in fanfiction (on and off), I have never been so angry as a reader or even moved by the story I read on Pit of Voles. I never came across such a moving story, while it did have annoying typos like you're/your, I overlooked them for the action and plot. (after all, they're too common :\)

I never breathed so hard, I never had my hands so sweaty, my heart pounding, sitting at the edge of my seat. The story overall told well for 14 chapters, which is the current status of the fanfiction story.

I understood that the writer wasn't trying to be a professional, but in my eyes, the plot and the action, the characterizations, everything but the damn annoying typos I overlooked, did look as well as a professional could. The author never used inside A/N in the entire first 13 chapters.

And just in the middle of action, in the middle of uncovering the mystery, in the middle of opening the door, in the middle of chapter fourteen, came this:Atrocity ahead )

Huh? Hold up, I tried scrolling down fast to skip the inner author note and then the 8888 popped up, furthering boggling me. And here, I was thinking, "This better be worth the damn suspense," came a room of sporting equipment.

"What. The. Fuck." I thought.

Just that alone destroyed any respect I had for the writer. I even tried overlooking it as I continued reading but the anger stayed, unbelieving my eyes. I could not believe I witnessed such trash so deep into the story, I'd have hit back on the first page if this was on there but no, it was on chapter fourteen. The only time such ... such... atrocity was committed.

How could a writer do this to their readers? The writer destroyed my precious moment of being excited, enthralled and engrossed in the story that I haven't felt for in a long time, if ever. It's rare for me to get excited when reading stories, books or fanfiction. It was such a pure moment and the writer took that from me. I tried not getting angry. But I did, in the first time in the six years of reading fanfiction; only because I did not want to get messy with other writers like some readers do by flaming. But this happened. And I got mad. I never, except for this moment, never, get angry when reading a fanfiction. I'm mellow to the extreme of extreme.

It made me sad. I gave a long review to the author, hoping the writer will rectify the mistake, to fix that and remove that trash from the chapter and upload one final chapter.

I couldn't believe it. -le sigh-

And if you wish to know, the story was for the fandom of W Juliet. Side note: if you read ffrants on LJ, keep your comments in here, please, it's easier. :]

A summary of reply from the writer )

August 2008

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