Fanfic 100: The Ultimate Fanfic Challenge
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Monday, January 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Rachel/Alec (prompt 52 fire)
    Title: Untitled
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Alec McDowell/Rachel Berrisford
    Prompt: 52 Fire
    Word Count: 203
    Rating: pg-13
    Summary: Random little tidbits during the Berrisford Agenda
    Author's Notes: Something new and different, the "you" person is meant to be Rachel, and I wanted to see bout writing something like this. I don't own the characters and whatnot. Simply using them. This is written for [info]ladybug218

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    Rachel/Alec (prompt 92 Christmas)
    Title: Untitled
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Alec McDowell/Rachel Berrisford
    Prompt: 92 Christmas
    Word Count: 152
    Rating: pg-13
    Author's Notes: Something new and different, the "you" person is meant to be Rachel, and I wanted to see bout writing something like this. I don't own the characters and whatnot. Simply using them.

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    Rachel/Alec (prompt 24 Family)
    Title: Untitled
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Alec McDowell/Rachel Berrisford
    Prompt: 24 Family
    Word Count: 152
    Rating: pg-13
    Author's Notes: I don't own the characters and whatnot. Simply using them.

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    Rachel/Alec (prompt 76 Who)
    Title: Untitled
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Alec McDowell/Rachel Berrisford
    Prompt: 76 Who
    Word Count: 240
    Rating: pg-13
    Author's Notes: I don't own the characters and whatnot. Simply using them.

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    Rachel/Alec (prompt 84 He)
    Title: Untitled
    Fandom: Dark Angel
    Characters: Alec McDowell/Rachel Berrisford
    Prompt: 84 He
    Word Count: 356
    Rating: pg-13
    Author's Notes: I don't own the characters and whatnot. Simply using them.

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    Pirates of Dark Water - Tula/Bloth - 091/022 - Birthday/Enemies
    Title: Celebration.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula/Bloth.
    Prompt: 091 - Birthday
    Word Count: 224.
    Rating: PG.
    Summary: Tula has been acting strange all day and Bloth is curious to know why.
    Disclaimer: Pirates of Dark Water belongs to Warner Brothers.

    Celebration )

    Title: Bitter Past.
    Fandom: Pirates of Dark Water.
    Characters: Tula/Bloth, Mantus.
    Prompt: 022 - Enemies
    Word Count: 207.
    Rating: PG.
    Summary: Mantus bitterly confronts new commander, Tula.
    Disclaimer: Pirates of Dark Water belongs to Warner Brothers.

    Bitter Past )

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