
August 26th, 2022



I set out to Sky Island to see if that beast called the Li-Mon-Eag was true it turns out to be a tale, but I did come across Pinkies tribes. Just make sure you remember which side of the Island you are on for the Sunrise Tribe lives on the eastern side of the island, and the Sunset Tribe lives on the west.



I found a rundown brothel on the outskirts of Emerald City.



Hey, I hope everyone knows that those yellow brick that makes that road is real narcotic poppy dust.



Come on stop following me damn winged monkeys. I drop your Golden cup, you should have left it out in the open like that.



I could spend all day watching those horses of a different color run in the open field. You can't tell what color they are going to be next.



If it wasn't for the clue or the fact that Emerald City is here. One would think we were in Wonderland then OZ. I met the King of Bunnybury of the Bunnyury.



Can I keep one of the lavender-colored stuffed bears from Bear Center?



Stay out of the Kingdom of Pokes. I got arrested for speeding and I was just walking



Wow, who would have known about those Winkies were crafted along with being existence as tinsmiths? They got a bump in my armor out. Just happy they give me time to take it off.