
May 27th, 2022



Anyone up for a game of pool?



[Wash is bandaged and hooked up to stuff and trying not to move because everything still hurts some through whatever they gave him for pain. He didn’t die but close enough between the holes in his chest and stomach, broken ribs and a collapsed lung, plus the slashed and broken arm and at least one skull fracture from the ground collision.]

I thought dying back home was gonna suck the most… at least apparently it was fast. This is way worse. Prob’ly what a run in with Reavers would be like…cept it didn’t try to skin me first.

Everything hurts, there are too many tubes, and I can’t sleep because it might come back. And every time I close my eyes, it does come back.

Niska has nothing on this. Woulda rather let him torture me again than this. Mal prob’ly says different, he’s the one got his insides tunneled into. Still think bein’ gnawed half to death is worse. Then I wake up n got wires on me and panic thinking I’m there. Feels embarrassing.

I swear if someone tells me there’s some disgusting thing it left in me or something, I’ll lose it.

Only thing to look forward to for now is drugs. Only reason my sanity’s still hanging by a thread. And sometimes they’re fun. Just wish the doc had some stuff from home. Heals ya way faster than this.

Just tell me I’ll get healed in a few days like the other stops. Can’t take it otherwise…

Appreciate the being saved even so. Thanks. Never saw anyone move like that…