
May 17th, 2022



I've had to deal with one axe wielding maniac in my life, I didn't think I'd be chased by another.



Who: Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz
Where: Eddie's Cabin
What: Talking & Stuff
When: Current Day
Rating: Medium?
Open: No

Buck had seen his fair share of crap in his day, but a fictional ax-wielding murderer? Yeah, no, that wasn't even on his radar. He certainly wasn't going to stick around for proof that this pyscho was real. Instead, he made a beeline for Eddie and Chris' cabin, grabbing what he deemed essential for a sleepover.

He didn't bother waiting to be let in after he knocked. There was also Jason to figure into things. "Hey, are you guys here? I brought snacks and blankets!"



Cabin is barricaded.