
April 23rd, 2022



Who: Frank and Karen
Where: Walking to the train
What: Talking...
When: Late night
Rating: TBD
Open: No.

This could be more. )



Who: The Inner Circle
Where: River House
What: Azriel appears to report
When: Morning
Rating: Low

The gang is kinda here. )



This Kingdom really is beautiful. I've enjoyed the shopping and food immensely.

[Cas and Kieran]

Cuddle Pile and cheese. Stat.



Who: Kori and Dick
Where: Walking around.
What: Spending some time together
When: Now.
Rating: TBD
Open: No.

I'm hanging on a moment with you. )



It is good to be home. Though I feel this train taunts us by allowing us to return home just to inevitably tear us away again.



This may not be home but the stars definitely are beautiful here.



This stop is not that bad.

That being said, do not venture into The Court of Nightmares. The people are most unfriendly there.