
February 21st, 2022



Hey, bear with that rain cloud could you come back and get this small, bean shaped with red skin and green hair. It keeps saying coo at me.



Care Bears, I hope you didn't mind me working on your very friendly robot Wingnut?



That Rainbow Rescue Beam almost reminds me of a teleportation device from back home



This place can't be this caring all the time, can it?



This "Care-o-Meter" has the feeling that the forces run through it.



It feels so peaceful here and you could be one with the force as well



Oh, come on little heart. I just want to be your friend.



If you don't know one of those Rainbow Beam takes you to a place called The Forest of Feelings. I just happen to find it and was met by Noble heart Horse. There are other animals than the bear.



Has anyone talked with Cloud Keeper? He's a funny guy.



I still want to thank the Caption Brave Heart Loin for taking me out on the Cloud Clipper.



It's nice to fly around in the cloud and that I could give a helping hand to Wish Bear in their Big Star Round-Up



I don't care that his name is Grumpy Bear for he is one good inventor. You need to check out that Cloudseeker you'll be shocked to know that Bear is behind building it.



This is going to take a while to ... get used to.



Not sure about this place. Maybe it's just too cute for my tastes.



I'm actually walking on clouds... How the Sam hell is this possible?



What is this place? I must be dreaming.



This must be the Μετά θάνατον ζωή (Afterlife)