
January 31st, 2022



As places go, this hasn't been the worst stop.



Anyone have any guesses on when we'll be pulled back to the train?



While I have enjoyed the spa in this stop, I do hope we are returned to the train soon.



Dean Winchester

How are you handling this place?



I actually do not mind this place.



I wonder if the train will take us to California.



Mikaelson Family & Friends

How are we fairing in this place? Niklaus, I trust you have been on your best behaviour.



Being stuck on an isle most of my life, I have to admit, traveling to all these different places is kind of nice, even if some of them are very dangerous.

It shows me that other places are out there other than the Isles and The United States of Auradon. I suppose when we get home, Ben. I think when we get home, we should work on relations outside of the Kingdom.

If we every get home.



Am I the only one who feels restless after keeping back on this damn train?

We spent two weeks in the open, only to be thrown back into traveling.

I think I'm going to have a spa day and try to unwind.









The spa day post gave me an idea,

Wanna do our own version?

Shopping and all?



[text] kate bishop

So this is happening...




This is Princess Leia Organa and you must return me immediately.



Swinging from drapes was fun!



I’ll be happier when this stop is finished. Robots make my husband and I nervous.



Hey Dinah you hungry?