
October 20th, 2021



[Tribute post- Private to Kate]

Fuck, they picked you too? This seems all too similar to our situation back home.



[Private and Encrypted to all on the train-if message goes through to non-tributes]

Whoever gets this message, listen. This whole situation here is fucked up. My name is Tanner Beum. Fight back against your captors, storm the capitol and take back control.



[Tribute Chat]

Hm? What's going on? What the heck is this "Hunger games?"



So this place lets you fight all you want in life or death battles? Sounds like a Saiyan's idea of paradise. For others, not so much.



This hunger games must be like the fights of the past.



Wait, they expect you to fight here? Are you kidding me?!




No I do not want eye surgery!

I like my glasses.

Eye surgery pusher was way too giddy, these "games" are exciting to them. They want blood and gore...

I am new here too.

My name is Kristen and does Gotham mean anything to anyone?