
July 17th, 2021


When I said my body was ready for a vacation, this wasn't what I meant.

If this is the Institute teaching me a lesson can I just say, thanks but no thanks? I'm in this mess because of you because of factors beyond my control but I'm fine, I don't need a break. Just send me back to New York. Please.

Alec? Please sound off if you're here. I'm not feeling too hot.



When I said I needed space.

Totes didn't mean this.



Okay kidnapping someone in the middle of movie night is so not cool....



Should I even ask? Oh well. Mikaelson Role call?



[text] amy bendix

What the fuck is this?



[text] stella kidd

I can't be here right now. Kelly



What the hell? Kidnapping a cop is not a wise move.



Plot twist. I didn't think that Heaven was a train.



I swear when I went to sleep I wasn't on a train.....



Well this does not bode well for the first day of my new job.



My name is Lieutenant Steve McGarrett and I demand to speak to my captors.



Well I certainly did not expect this....