Monday, May 12th, 2014

Who: Devyn Fairfax and Ophelia Sinclair
When: Evening
Where: Devyn's apartment
What: Pizza delivery

Devyn hadn't exactly expected for anyone to jump for joy at the prospect of helping out a pregnant professor, so she was pretty excited that she had at least one offer. And the prospect of a homemade pizza that wasn't terribly bad for her but would help with the cravings she always seemed to have had her stomach growling most of the afternoon.

The move across country had been stressful. She was far too pregnant to fly so she'd had to take the train which had taken a whole lot longer than a trip by plane would have. Couple that with the fact that the motion of the train had kept her sick for most of the trip, she was more than a little worn out. And stressed. An earlier conversation had her on edge tonight as she waited for some news that could have a potentially huge impact on her life going forward. All of this combined had led her to the decision to put off any more unpacking for the day and opt instead for a long soak in a hot tub while she waited for Ophelia to show.

Even now, at seven months along and with a huge baby bump to show for it, she had a hard time wrapping her head around the fact that she was pregnant. Motherhood was something she had thought about often back when she had been married, but after her marriage to JD had fallen apart, the idea of having a child had also fallen along the wayside and she had adjusted to the idea that motherhood probably wasn't in the cards for her. And now, here she was, finally having landed the job of her dreams only to have wound up accidentally knocked up following a drunken one-night stand with the very last person she ever thought she'd end up in bed with. God had a really strange sense of humor now and then.
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Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Who: Ophelia and Laertes Sinclair
What: Practicing for class
When: Thursday, after dinner
Where: FCU Dance Studio
Rating/Warnings: TBD- probably low enough (because these siblings are not kinky?)

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Who: Ophelia Sinclair & Chad Sterling
What: Emergency
When: Thursday after last bell
Where: Starting on the quad
Rating/Warnings: TBD

Chad had actually had a very good day of classes today... )
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Monday, April 28th, 2014

Who: Ophelia Sinclair and Dmitri Polov
What: Discussion
When: April 28, 2014, after class
Where: in Dmitri's office
Warnings: Some mentions of past violence

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Friday, April 25th, 2014

Who: Liam and Ophelia
What: Liam is trying to figure out all the changes and is lost in thought but finally runs into the girl he has been trying to find
When: Early evening
Where: Out on the grounds
Rating: Low for now

The world is a constantly shifting place )
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Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

Who: Grady Callaghan and Ophelia Sinclair
What: Ophelia brings over food because she’s concerned
When: March 21, 2014
Where: Grady's dorm
Warnings: Small reference to prior abuse
Status: Complete

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Who: Jaxson Bailey and Ophelia Sinclair
What: Payoff week
When: Monday March 10, 2014 (Backdate)
Where: Jaxson's dorm, then McDonald's
Warnings: Some cursing, nothing really more.
Status: Complete

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Who: Liam and Ophelia
What: An encounter
When: early afternoon
Where: The fitness center, where fencing club is held
Warnings: Low for now

Boxers aren't the best fencers )
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Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Who: Ophelia Sinclair and Cruz Santi-Deangelo
What: Sugar Rush Brunch
When: Saturday, March 8, 2014 10 am
Where: Ophelia's quarters
Rating: Medium
Warnings: Food fights, cooking and a bouncy tigger Cruz

Ophelia was amazing, once she began talking to him in person )
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Who: Ophelia and Laertes Sinclair
What: After being kicked out of bed, Lae goes to cuddle with someone else
When: Monday, March 10, just past dawn
Where: Ophelia's room
Rating: Medium at most
Warnings: None at the moment

His fingers slipped through his sister's hair, and he let his eyes closed, knowing Lia would have an alarm set, and he would be here when she woke up. )
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Friday, January 17th, 2014

Who: Katarzyna Mironova and Ophelia Sinclair
What: Ophelia is looking for her brother
When: January 17, 2014
Where: Ballet Studio
Warnings: Pretty low?
Status: Finished
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Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

Who: Misha and Ophelia.
What: Some conversation mostly
Where: Library
When: Backdated to 12/6/2013
Rating: Low

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Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Who: Ophelia and Laertes
What: Ophelia's a bit worried about her brother
When: Late evening Saturday December 14, 2013
Where: Ophelia's dorm
Warnings: None yet
Rating: TBD

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Friday, November 8th, 2013

Who: Ophelia Sinclair and Grady Callaghan
What: Conversation and coffee
When: Nov. 8, around 5
Where: Cafe on campus
Warnings: None yet
Status: In progress

Why had she agreed to this again? )
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