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Dec. 15th, 2009


Two weeks and counting since I'm here.

I haven't seen any other newcomers while riding but there are plenty of natives who appear to accept my presence and my unique bike singularly well. A certain despicable scientist would maim, pervert and kill to have the power which made this population so unquestioning and nonquesting.

I do see newcomers leave or return to the buildings set aside for us from time to time but haven't spoken to anyone. No Gabriel since my arrival.

My only contact so far has been electronically. I can't say I really care for it.

My recon of Fallenpoint reveals a not uninteresting cityscape. It would be good to get out into something like country but the highways aren't boring to ride. Not yet anyway. I've been to libraries, read different articles all over their net, gone to a shooting range and done both swordplay and martial arts practise.

Then there's the building with the doors to different realities. Going to Gaia from there is a poor alternative to our time in the Lifestream. It has interesting aspects, I'll admit. But it would be just as interesting to go into the other doors too, most likely.

Dec. 9th, 2009


Private message to Jaime )

Dec. 5th, 2009


My food is problematic.
My room is problematic.
The door is problematic.

Nothing is right here.

...cannot be fixed. Forever broken.



I've noticed others doing it so I'm going to too...

Is there anybody else from where I came from?


de Carabas?

Or if you're not from London Below...maybe London Above?

Dec. 4th, 2009


Filtered to Jaime.

Private to Jaime )

Dec. 3rd, 2009


So, I know a lot of us are all eager to go home, but if that doesn't come soon enough we may need to find a job.

Anyone else even looking for one? I know I'm going to have to; I'm surprised this $10,000 has lasted this long.


Jaime, did you get lost and not find yourself?

Mal, kidnap and interrogate any locals yet?

Lily Evans, are you hiding?

Dec. 2nd, 2009


The locals are apparently human. But the kidnapped aren't all human. I'm an alien and an angel arrived about the same time I did. This is our third day in Fallenpoint.

I'm Yazu.

Do we have other aliens? Angels? Devils? (as long as I don't meet scientists who clone people, no one has to die. Be sure to warn the lab scum to stay away from me, unless they're feeling suicidal. I might be generous and offer them the choice of being shot or killed with my katana.)

Dec. 1st, 2009


I'm doing this to see if anyone from my world might be in this place.

My name is Gwen Cooper and I am a cop from Cardiff,Wales. I was dumped into this place late last night and already located a friend known as The Doctor.


I am...unsure as to whether or not I am using this correctly.

I suppose I should start by introducing myself... I am Laura Moon. If there is anything anyone needs--.a bodyguard perhaps since it is often difficult to keep one eye open when you are sleeping-- let me know. I have... a lot of free time on my hands.

Mal...not sure if you can see this but...would you like to see my world?


Nov. 29th, 2009


I'm getting a mite impatient.

Anyone interested in kidnapping a local and asking polite-like what is going on?

Nov. 22nd, 2009


Filtered to Barty

Private to Barty )


Who: Door and The Doctor
What: their arrival
When: Early morning
Where: the square

Read more... )

Nov. 21st, 2009


I got this thing working, but what is a gorram 'X-box' and why is it glowing at me?

I need to get out of this place!


Written in Barty's private journal )



My name is Steven Dupree, and I have an announcement to make. This Monday we will be holding at meeting over at the meeting hall located at 3304 Simmons Street. The meeting will be held at 3pm sharp. Our plan is to discuss the Hallway of Realities.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Nov. 20th, 2009


Great. Not only do I still feel awful and that new to this skin kind of way I've stumbled into a rift without a way home and only a few primitive devices. Can anyone point me to the best hardware, computer, and chip shop in this city? This is earth right (or some variation upon I guess)? I have a war I NEED to get back to. Though I guess if this reality is in tact all hope isn't lost yet.

Nov. 19th, 2009


Hi, I'm Barty. Who else is here who doesn't belong here?

Nov. 11th, 2009



There's a way home, but it's wrong. All wrong.

Nov. 6th, 2009


As fasanating as this seems to be, I think it would be wise for whatever or whoever has beeamed to this interesting location, return me to the ship.

Kirk is not going to like this

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