Fallen Leaves Forum - November 6th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 6th, 2011

Leaves is returning! [Nov. 6th, 2011|12:43 am]



To our dear and faithful readers,

Leaves is not dead! It has been at least seven months since our last thread was posted, but we are glad to announce that soon there will be much more to read.

Ryouma's writer, Ki, has returned to us, and without giving away too many spoilers, Ryouma's story is not over. And of course there will be other familiar faces returning.

The plan is to kick things off with a six-month timeskip following Off the Edge of the Map, which is the last thread posted in the Kakashi-and-Ginta-go-after-Ryouma arc. Though rest assured, that arc will be finished.

We want to thank all of you who have stuck with us this long, especially those who have left reviews in the guestbook. We have read and treasured each one (even if we have been exceptionally lax about responding).

Keep an eye out here, where announcements of threads will be put up as they’re posted, and as always feel free to leave us comments, questions, or otherwise in the forum, the guestbook, or this entry of the main page.

Best regards,

Dark, Nezuko, Kilerkki, Phi, and Gunmetal,
Fallen Leaves Writers
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Find Me On High Ground [Nov. 6th, 2011|02:01 pm]


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Six months ago, in early April, Tousaki Ryouma disappeared so thoroughly that ANBU's best trackers couldn't hunt him down. Now he's back, with new scars and new stories, and despite all the odds Kakashi's still around to greet him.

We're back from our hiatus with Find Me On High Ground and we'd love to hear what you think! Feedback is welcome, here or in the guestbook.
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