Fallen Leaves - The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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The Truth of the Matter [Ryouma, Kakashi, Katsuko] [Jan. 30th, 2012|11:20 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_katsuko
2012-01-31 06:32 am (UTC)


Her head hurt. Her face hurt. Everything was too bright and too loud, and why were people talking?

Katsuko gave Ryouma a flat look. “Kakashi wouldn’t know what to do with a vagina even if we drew him a diagram.”

Ryouma actually looked like he was considering it. "I'm pretty sure he knows the theory. Just don't think he'd be excited about the application.” He shrugged, cheerfully. “Sorry."

“No you’re not,” Katsuko said. “Why are you smirking. Stop that.” After a second, she gave it up as a lost cause and hobble-crawled over to the bed, grumbling. The covers were a tangled mess dangling over the edge of the mattress; she grabbed the nearest corner of a blanket, tucking it around herself, and rolled away. She ended up on her back a few feet from the bed, blanket wrapped around her like a fabric spring roll.

Ryouma chuckled and swung his long legs off the bed, getting to his feet and heading to the kitchen. Katsuko tried not to whimper like a baby as cupboard doors were rattled open and drawers noisily rifled through. A minute later, however, the racket ceased, and the pad of bare feet against the floor announced Ryouma’s return. She lifted her head up a bare fraction, saw the glass of water and wet washcloth in his hands, and sighed in relief.

"You missed my speech about the evils of alcohol,” Ryouma said, crouching down next to her. “I can give it to you again if you want."

“Try it, I dare you,” Katsuko said, sitting up. Ryouma dropped two painkillers into her hand; she knocked them back dry, grimacing at the taste and snatching the glass of water to take a long swallow. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and gave him a grateful pat on the cheek, sinking back down onto the floor again with another heartfelt sigh.

"It mostly revolved around how sad it is that you got to snuggle with Kakashi but won't even remember it,” Ryouma said, grinning. “Though I could probably add details about hangovers now. You want to move back to the bed? It'll be more comfortable than lying on books."

“So that’s what the crinkling noises are,” Katsuko said. “I thought this floor felt funny.”

The hiss of water from the shower stopped. A muffled voice came from behind the bathroom door. “Get her off the books!”

Katsuko grumbled. “But the bed’s so high up.”

Ryouma slipped an arm behind her back and the other under her legs and swung her up, blanket and all. Katsuko made an undignified sound as the world lurched and did her best not to turn green as he walked her across the room. He deposited her gently on the bed and went back for the wet washcloth, coming back to drape it over her forehead, and then hesitated. After a moment, the mattress dipped as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Are you doing okay?"

Katsuko stared up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking, before tugging at his sleeve. “Lean down,” she ordered. He blinked at her and obeyed, putting the top of his head within reach, and she reached up to ruffle his hair. “You worry too much,” she said, and smiled. “I’ll be fine, Ryouma.”