Fallen Leaves - Karma's Bitch [Genma & Yanagi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Karma's Bitch [Genma & Yanagi] [Jul. 10th, 2009|08:42 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2009-07-12 02:13 am (UTC)


"No, dude, I just did all that shit to save your ass, including taking a dose of those damn spores myself, and then I'm gonna let you choke on your own puke." Genma rolled his eyes. "I'd be some kind of shit medic if I did that. Not to mention a shit friend."

Friend. Was he Yanagi's friend? Maybe. They hardly knew each other, but friendships born on the battlefield were like that. A guy you hardly knew one minute was your best buddy the next. Genma chuckled, reached out, and brushed Yanagi's hair back, mirroring the gesture Yanagi had used on him.

"Go to sleep. Neither of our names are going on that damn stone, got it? I'll make a deal with you: you don't throw me off any more waterfalls, and I'll make sure you survive the night. Besides, I think you owe me a date now, or something, and I don't do corpses."