Fallen Leaves - Karma's Bitch [Genma & Yanagi] [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Karma's Bitch [Genma & Yanagi] [Jul. 10th, 2009|08:42 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_senbon
2009-07-12 02:05 am (UTC)


"Yeah... Thanks." Genma leaned in towards the bed, towards Yanagi's hand. After their night of feigned intimacy, it almost felt natural to let Yanagi touch him. As if they really were the lovers they'd pretended to be.

"I know what you mean about watching people die. You think you'll get over it, but then you don't. You do and you don't. I can look at my mom's and dad's names on the Heroes' Stone. Look at my friends' names there, and it's not that bad. After a while, it's not that bad. And then something will just... Remind you."