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Karma's Bitch [Genma & Yanagi] [Jul. 10th, 2009|08:42 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]fallen_yanagi
2009-07-12 01:59 am (UTC)


Yanagi looked at Genma blankly. Had he -- what? There were too many ways that question could end. And if Genma was looking for information on family or friends, possibly still out in the field -- any one of those undercover agents, stuck out there now with their extraction plans in ruins--

"I--" He broke off, not sure what he was going to say, just suddenly wanting to fill the silence. He looked anywhere but at Genma, feeling his twenty years. "I've been gathering intel. Telling people what Konoha wants them to know. Been busy, but I guess I'm better informed than some of the other guys who're out..." He scratched at make-up on the pillow. "Manako -- my handler -- she checked on my dad, so at least..." He felt like he was tap-dancing. He'd never been very good at tap-dancing. "There's still guys out here that don't know much more than civilians, and they can't leave their posts." He frowned, remembering. "Not that orders stop them all from leaving, anyway."

He hadn't asked Manako about his friends. He was afraid of her answer. He told himself she had better things to do than run down names for him, anyway.

It took effort to shake the thought loose. The morphine helped. "But my news is weeks old, now. Did the Fourth's jutsu hold? I mean, I guess we'd hear if it hadn't, but..."