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After the Rain [Hiro, Genma, and Raidou] [Jun. 13th, 2009|03:47 pm]
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From: [info]fallen_hiro
2009-06-13 06:21 pm (UTC)


Hiro watched them, having apparently turned invisible again without even a jutsu. Watched as Raidou's thumb slid smoothly along the skin of Genma's intact wrist, and Genma stared at Raidou like his eyes could bridge the distance between them.

He'd made the right decision. He had. Raidou hadn't given him a choice.

Don't even think about them separately.

Genma needed to trust Intel, as every ninja did--but right now, he needed to trust Raidou even more. Hiro didn't need the Byakugan to see that.

"There's proof," he cut in quietly, even and slow so as not to startle. "It's over at Intel, for analysis."

There was proof, for the ones that were actually dead. Sago's body had been sanitarily disposed of in the field, Intel's report said, but there were certain... requirements... to claim the Bingo Book reward--especially since Sago had already been claimed as dead once before. He imagined that Genma and Raidou wouldn't want to see that particular proof, though--or if they did, he didn't think it was a good idea to show it to them.

Unless it was. But in any case, he considered that Psych's problem, not his.

Besides that grisly trophy, they'd recovered Sago's two summon-chests--T&I and Intel were currently squabbling over who had first claim on them--and a pile of slashed hitai-ate for their records and to soothe the families of the fallen.

Two were missing.

From Kotoe-san's debriefing report and the field agents' descriptions of the bodies, the missing-nin medic and another of Sago's assistants--the one Raidou had consistently referred to as "Green-eyes"--had escaped. Ordinarily they'd be considered of little account--missing-nin, especially from the village of Mist, were not so uncommon that it was worthwhile to track those two as opposed to any others.

Somehow, he didn't think Genma and Raidou would see it that way.

Still, what was done was done. Hopefully Kotoe-san would understand; she'd seen the two of them together. And if she didn't understand, thought he'd done the wrong thing... Well, he'd just have to deal with that when he came to it. As Raidou said, there was no sense borrowing trouble.

"If you don't have any more questions, may I start the debriefing now? I assume we all--" particularly those waiting impatiently back at Intel "--would like to get this done as soon as possible."